Reminder: You don’t have to rush!

Dear members of the Dartmouth community,


As new member recruitment begins once again in the Greek community, the Dartmouth Inter-Sorority Council would like to send a reminder that you do not have to rush!


We understand that there can be immense pressure to participate in recruitment, but it’s probably possible to lead a successful, fulfilling life on campus without joining a Greek organization. To be honest, we don’t really know anyone who does, but we are talking more in the hypothetical sense. Yeah, we go to a school in the middle of nowhere with no club scene, bar scene, or scene of any kind to rival the Greek mainstream that over 60% of eligible students partake in, and this message may seem disingenuous coming from us, the ISC, the entity that oversees rush, but to be honest, we think you shouldn’t rush.


To the hundreds of self-identifying Dartmouth women rushing this week, know that you have other options. Think about that one really cool ‘20 you know who is happily unaffiliated. She doesn’t need a sorority to facilitate her social life. Yeah, her long-term boyfriend is a Heorot and she hangs out there all the time, but maybe this should just be a lesson that you should be less focused on rushing exclusive, female-dominated social spaces and more focused on finding a man to offer you access to exclusive, male-dominated social spaces.


Or you could, I don’t know, rush Panarchy? That’s not exclusive. Wait. Never mind.


Whether or not you choose to participate in Greek life, we encourage you to actively and intentionally build community with respect, compassion, and an ethic of care. Now can you stop complaining?






-IK ’22

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