Wisconsin Voters “Unsure About the Whole Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” Thing

On Tuesday, April 7, Wisconsin voters waited in long lines to cast their ballots in the state’s primary despite the acute fear of COVID-19. “Geez,” said 57 year-old Mary-Anne Sommars, “Risking my life to vote for Joe Biden? Really makes me doubt this whole ‘give me liberty or give me death’ hullabaloo.”

Much is at stake in this election, notably a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. First-time voter Makenzie Murmount reflected on this sentiment, telling reporters how “exciting it has been to make her voice heard today.” After adjusting the bandana covering her mouth she added, “Although giving people absentee ballots or postponing the elections like fifteen other states have could’ve, I dunno, made all voices heard. But what do I know, I’ve only taken APUSH.” 

Douglas Lawrence, a registered Republican, weighed in telling voters to “Stop whining! There are 5 perfectly good poll sites operating in Milwaukee, helping to make America more free and fair.” Jay Harris, a volunteer from one of such sites when prompted with Lawrence’s comment told reporters, “Out of 180 possible locations. Jesus christ.”

At press time President Donald Trump offered commentary on Fox-and-Friends exclaiming, “Where would Republicans be without voter suppression? Probably not in office, that’s for sure!”

-OG ’22


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