Sununu Facing RADICALLY Different Opponent In Midterms

With issues like Roe v. Wade dividing Americans left and right, the midterm elections this November are more important than ever– especially in our nation’s most important swing state, New Hampshire. Governor Sununu has repeatedly voiced his unwillingness to protect abortion rights in the Granite State. So women, if you want to protect your fundamental rights, this Tuesday, get out and vote for a gubernatorial candidate that will represent YOU. This one’s different. This one’s a white moderate white-collar career Democrat!

Yes, to end Governor Sununu’s reign of instability and terror, we need a candidate who doesn’t fit the norm. We need a candidate who worked as a physician for most of his life and has spent the last ten years in New Hampshire politics. We need Tom Sherman.

Trust us– this candidate is different. The 2020 candidate had a background in law. Every politician these days has a background in law! The 2018 candidate worked on political campaigns. She’s just like the rest of them. The 2022 candidate is a doctor. Totally new and different, right?

Everyone knows that New Hampshire is the most important state in the country because it has the first presidential primary. That basically determines the entire election! And the governor is basically the PRESIDENT of New Hampshire. So if you think about it, this might be the most important election in the country right now. And you want to make sure you’re making the right choice– well, in this case, the left one– maybe more center left…

The people of New Hampshire need a candidate that will return us to the 2012 status quo. Keep the fire of democracy alive and burning, but not, like, that hot. Help us keep our reputation as the most conservative state in New England by choosing a candidate that works for you, but not too much.
The 2022 Democratic candidate will fight for you. He will get you. As a white, 65 year old upper-class straight man, he understands the needs of everyone. So women of the Granite State, if you want to protect your rights to your body, and most importantly, if you want to legalize weed, vote for the Democratic candidate this Tuesday.

This message is brought to you by Students Settling for Sherman.

—CB ’26

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