New Update to Duo Push

To increase security on campus, SNS will now be requiring Duo Push, the two-factor authentication system students currently use to log in to Darthub and their email, in numerous other scenarios as well.

“My orgo study group was meeting in one of those glass rooms on FFB. They were holding the door closed and said I had to Duo Push in because they ‘couldn’t recognize me.’ But when another group member walked up, they let him right in! Call me crazy but it kind of felt like they didn’t want me there. That’s silly, right?” wondered Cathy Halren ‘25.

“My friend was super drunk last night. Before I could call SNS, though, I had to Duo Push. My phone was on “do not disturb” mode so I wouldn’t see texts that night – totally unrelated. Now, I had to physically open the Duo Push app on my phone. But its green icon looked a lot like iMessages. By the time I got it working, another friend had already driven him to the ER. In other news, I ended up texting my formal date from last term!” shares Daria Ruch ‘24. 

Students also faced challenges logging into Darthub.“Duo Push called my mom to get her confirmation. God, the things this school will do to stop us from getting off the Ivy Unlimited”, scoffed Emily Rohen ‘25. “As soon as I started to log in to Darthub, it started a 30 second timer before my phone would spontaneously self-destruct,” lamented Priya Ganapati ‘23. “Before I could check my term schedule on my laptop, I had to Duo Push on my phone. My phone sent a push to my Apple Watch, then to my Nintendo DS, and finally to my LG smart fridge,” explains Chuck Wooker ‘26. “I mean, for safety’s sake, I guess.”

—VP ’25

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