Feb. 29 Exclusive: Addie Perkins’s 21st Birthday Bash

Addie Perkins, 21, of Rochester, NY, is excited for her birthday party tonight — and even more excited to try alcohol for the first time! 

“It feels like all of my friends turned 21, like, sixty years ago,” Perkins said, rolling her eyes. “Whenever we get together, I feel super left-out because they can all drink and I can’t. Now I can join the club!” 

On the beverage menu for tonight: Tito’s, Jose Cuervo Marg Mix, and old-fashioneds.

“That’s my friend Albert’s favorite drink,” said Perkins, with a devious look in her eye. “My friend Hettie says he really knows how to make a drink that’s the cat’s meow.”

When asked what her plans were for the party, Perkins said that her friends have come up with something special for her.

“I don’t have that many friends anymore,” Perkins said. “But the ones I do have mean so much to me. I’m just looking forward to getting together with my people.”

Party activities will include “knocking some back with the girls,” “getting super drunk, but not enough to fall over,” and “a bridge tournament.”

“You never know how much time you have left in this world,” said Perkins, “so you have to party like each birthday might be your last! And if that means going crazy, I’m letting it loose!” 

Perkins did mention some pre-existing knee problems, so it’s unclear how “loose” she’ll truly be able to let this evening.

Gertie Wilforth, one of Perkins’s friends, said that the crowd showing up tonight will be considerably less than to her last birthday party. 

“We’ve lost some people along the way, unfortunately,” she said, “but that’s just life, I guess.”

Perkins also mentioned that it’s weird hanging around with friends that are so much older than her. 

“When I was younger, all my friends were closer in age to me. There was always still a considerable gap, but it’s nothing like now. But I don’t mind. It makes me feel like a spring chicken!”

According to Wilforth, one of their male friends, Herbie Aster, may be trying to win Perkins over tonight. However, Wilforth isn’t sure that Perkins will receive this too well.

“Addie just got out of a long-term relationship. Quite long-term. She’s been really down about it, saying she may never be with anyone again and that he was the love of her life. Plus, she’s always seen Herbie as just a really good friend.”

Despite this, Wilforth is in favor of getting the two together tonight.

“But why let life stop now? Addie’s only 21, she has so much time ahead of her.”

Perkins said that while she may be old, she still has a youthful spirit.

“We’ve come a long way since February 29, 1940. But I’ve made it to 21. Who knows what my next birthday will bring in 2028?”

— CB ’26

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