Looking to Fulfill Some Distributives? Fulfill Them All With the SUPER CLASS

The coolest class ever, cross-listed in ever department

After years of students scrambling to meet distributive requirements before they graduate, the Dartmouth College Registrar has finally found a solution. With the new SUPER CLASS, all distributives can be met over the course of three short terms! Cross-listed in 12 different departments, the SUPER CLASS involves exhilarating interdisciplinary work like social analysis of Renaissance art (who DID the Mona Lisa have a crush on?) and a lab in 19th century literature (which of Charles Dickens’ books has the highest melting point?), among others. 

The SUPER CLASS takes place during the 10A, 12A, and 2A timeslots each week, with six additional required weekly lab periods. Taught by seven different professors lecturing at the same time (and NONE OF THEM like each other), SUPER CLASS includes exams that last for 40-48 hours with a halfway break for 4 hours of sleep. The SUPER CLASS is NOT NRO eligible, you will take your grade and LIKE IT! The language requirement can also be fulfilled by the SUPER CLASS. Enjoy lectures about comparative politics entirely in the constructed auxiliary language Esperanto! Learn to code in the Cyrillic alphabet! And you’d better be ready for your joint period of drill and physical education! Do you REALLY know Xhosa if you can’t remember vocabulary while skiing down a hill at 30 miles per hour?!?!

You won’t have friends! You won’t have time to spare! You will NOT exist outside the confines of the classroom for these three short terms, but once it’s over and you finish finals week (168 hours, no breaks, injury waiver required), every single one of your distributives WILL be fulfilled! Enjoy seeing all those full boxes on DartWorks!!!!! Was it worth it? Will your mental health ever recover?! If you don’t know, you CLEARLY didn’t listen to the lecture on psychology through the lens of Sub-Saharan economics! Uh-oh, you might have to take another year of the SUPER CLASS! 

CT ’26

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