Articles by Jacko

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Sherlock Brolmes: Frat Detective, Part II

“COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU AAAAAHHH!!!” screamed Sherlock Brolmes as he took a sledgehammer to the wooden wall of Zeta Zeta Zeta’s basement, looking for their stolen composite picture. Bottle caps, beer cans, and…

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15 Names for Dartmouth Herds

There are many names for groups of animals that are freaking ridiculous. A gaggle of geese. An army of frogs. A raft of ducks. A troubling of goldfish. A business of ferrets. A hover of…

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O, To Be A Mortician!

O, To Be A Mortician! O Loveliest of Lives! O Sweetest of Dreams! To be a mortician, and spend my night frolicking in the palaces of embalmment, listening to The B-52s, and their array of…

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Sherlock Brolmes: Frat Detective, Part I

“WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I AM?” screamed Sherlock Brolmes into his cell phone before flinging it across the room in a drunken rage. “Another black North Face jacket?” I asked. “I am a…

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Origins of Cheap Alcohol

1. Franzia Caprese, Italy, 1972: Maria: “Quick, Gabriella, step on those grapes faster! Franz the Giant Baby, he grows thirsty!” Gabriella: “I am trying as hard as I can, but my feet, they grow tired….

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Who Killed JFK? : Your History Professor

By Your History Professor Well, you see, there is academic consensus that Kennedy was killed by a man named Lee Harvey Oswald. Did he really do it? Was it someone else? These questions are rather…

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Who Killed JFK? : Some Dude

By: Somebody We all know JFK died, right?  But did you know that some guy killed him?  Totally wicked!  Apparently this guy waits on a hill with a gun and shoots JFK in the head. …

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Who Killed JFK? : Fashion

By an anonymous tip from “a very important fashion designer” On a sunny day in 1968 Dallas, Texas, a woman reclined on a grassy knoll, extending her long, ghostly pale white legs to let them…

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Who Killed JFK? : The Consumption

By Wendleton the Street Urchin ‘Twere the consumption that killed JFK, if I may say so me-self. Yes, and a rightly bad case of it at that. He were in a poorly way from all…

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Who Killed JFK? : Box Magic

By “T.J. Morris,” a man who believes computers are powered not by electricity, but by the fact that they are shaped like a box RECENT EVIDANCE in Scientific Community, regarding RIEMANN-ZETA HYPOTHESIS and EINSTEIN’S THEORY…