Data Archive

This page has links to datasets used in my research.  If you have any questions or problems with the data, send me an email.  If you use these data, please cite them as:

  • Carey, John M.  [year.]  Carey data archive.

Campus Diversity

Replication data and package from Campus Diversity: The Hidden Consensus. Cambridge University Press, 2020.

Replication data and package from “Student Attitudes Toward Campus Diversity at the United States Naval Academy: Evidence from Conjoint Survey Experiments.” Armed Forces and Society, 2019.

Replication data from “Who wants to hire a more diverse faculty?” Politics, Groups, and Identities, 2019.

Bright Line Watch

This initiative monitors democracy and its performance in the United States.  Data from expert surveys of political scientists are available here.

Compulsory Voting

Replication data and package for “”Compulsory Voting and Income Inequality: Evidence for Lijphart’s Proposition from Venezuela.” Latin American Politics & Society, 2017.

Legislative Transparency

This project uses experiments to address the question of whether representatives behave differently when their actions are observed by citizens versus when they are not observed.   The experiments are described in the paper, “Transparency & Legislative Behavior,” which is available on my Research page.  There are two types of data from experiments here:

  • BETA — lab-based experiments conducted during the summer of 2010, using Dartmouth students as participants; and
  • BASIC — web-based experiments conducted in 2013 with participants recruited from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk online labor market.

Tunisia Election 2011

District-level vote results from Tunisia’s 2011 Constituent Assembly election, used in my paper, “Electoral Formula and the Tunisian Constituent Assembly,” are here.

Legislative Voting Project

This project involves the collection of recorded votes from 21 legislative chambers in 19 countries, as well as interviews with 55 legislators and political party leaders in 8 countries.  The data are analyzed in various articles, as well as the book Legislative Voting & Accountability (Cambridge UP 2009).  The roll call data I collected for the project are available here and the interview transcripts are here.

District Magnitude Project

There are two sets of data associated with this project, which is collaborative with Simon Hix (London School of Economics).  The first has data from our article in the American Journal of Political Science (2011) on all elections between 1945-2006 in democracies with populations over one million — 610 elections in all, from 81 countries.  The dataset contains information on constitutional design and electoral rules (including mean and median magnitudes of districts in each election, legal thresholds, mixed-member formats), on disproportionality and party system fragmentation, on various indicators of political economy (growth rates, government spending, surpluses/deficits, inequality, human development index), and on demographic and historical information.  The second dataset contains the variables from our article in Public Choice (2013) on legislator correspondence with median voter preferences across Swiss cantons.  The data are available here.

Primary Elections in Latin America Project

This project, some parts of which are collaborative with John Polga-Hecimovich (Dartmouth ‘05), examines whether candidates for executive office nominated by primary are stronger or weaker in general election competition than candidates nominated by other methods.  Cross-national data from presidential elections in Latin America are here.

Constitutional Creation Project

This project examines ‘constitutional moments’ worldwide, from 1990-2005 to determine whether the way a constitution is created (e.g. democratic election of constitutional designers, inclusiveness of deliberations, use of referenda) affects whether new constitutions subsequently deliver stability and democracy.  A lot of the data for this project are adapted from data generously shared by Professors Zachary Elkins and Thomas Ginsberg (University of Illinois) from their Comparative Constitutions Project, and by Professor Jennifer Widner (Princeton) from her Constitution Writing and Conflict Resolution Project.  The two different datasets available here adapt some of the variables from those scholars’ projects, and add some further information.

For information on data from other, earlier projects, inquire by email.