Here are links to things I’ve published in non-academic outlets.
Download results and analysis from BLW U.S. Democracy Surveys, as well as the raw data from BLW surveys. (Please explore, do your own analysis, hack!) And media coverage of BLW’s work in the New York Times, Washington Post, Vox, Associated Press, The Atlantic, and many more.
From Protect Democracy and New America
- “Can proportional representation create better governance?” Co-authored with Oscar Pocasangre. May 2, 2024.
From The Washington Post (Monkey Cage and other sections)
- “The U.S. helped design Afghanistan’s constitution. It was built to fail.” Co-authored with Andrew Reynolds. September 8, 2021.
- “Did Trump prove that governments with presidents just don’t work?” February 4, 2021.
- “How will Americans respond when there’s another split between the electoral college and the popular vote?” (with Gretchen Helmke, Brendan Nyhan, Mitchell Sanders, Susan C. Stokes, and Shun Yamaya). September 8, 2020.
- “It’s college admissions season, and students are looking for diverse campuses” (with Katie Clayton and Yusaku Horiuchi). April 14, 2020.
- “What do military service members think about diversity — especially gender diversity — in their ranks?” (with Yusaku Horiuchi and John Polga-Hecimovich). May 2, 2019.
- “The threat of impeachment can push presidents out the door. But there’s a catch” with Javier Corrales, Mariana Llanos, Leiv Marsteintredet and Aníbal Pérez-Liñán). April 11, 2018.
- “France’s critical election happens in June, not in May.” May 3, 2017.
- “The best thing about Harvard’s decision to cancel its men’s soccer season.” November 6, 2016.
- “What do college students really think about diversity?” (with Yusaku Horiuchi) July 5, 2016
- “Fujimori’s party already controls Peru’s congress. Here’s why observers are worried.” (with Steven Levitsky) June 3, 2016
- “Don’t expect the Cuban government to be grateful when the embargo lifts.” April 6, 2016
- “Strong presidencies may threaten democracy. Luckily, we don’t have one.” January 14, 2016.
- ” Here’s how the opposition got a two-thirds supermajority in Venezuela.” December 10, 2015
- “Will Venezuela’s government have a majority or a supermajority? That matters. Here’s why.” December 7, 2015
- “Conspiracy theories won’t save the governing party in Venezuela.” December 3, 2015
- “Buyer’s remorse in Chilean elections?” (with Yusaku Horiuchi) November 13, 2013.
- “Why Tunisia’s parliamentary electoral formula needs to be changed.” Co-authored with Alexander Martin. January 13, 2022.
From Latin America Goes Global: Data, Opinion, and Analysis
- “Political imprisonment in Venezuela.” Co-authored with Guillermo A. Amaro Chacón. March 23, 2017.
- “Chile’s electoral reform.” May 27, 2015
From the London School of Economics Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion blog
- “LSE students’ views on diversity on campus.” June 20, 2017.
From Robert Elgie’s Presidential Power blog
- Presidents & Assemblies – 25th anniversary retrospective. January 2020
- Presidentialism 25 Years After Linz. July 2014