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Your Abstract should be no longer than one page in length. The title of the presentation should appear at the top. Author(s) should not identify themselves on the abstract. Abstracts can be submitted in English or Japanese, and should conform to the language in which the presentation will be given. Abstracts should be specific: include your argument, methods and results of your study, and describe why your research makes significant contribution to the field. 


The abstract should be submitted as .pdf attachment to your e-mail. Please use this subject line in your email: JLTANE32 Abstract


The body of your e-mail must contain the following information:

1. Name(s) of the author(s)

2. Affiliation

3. Address

4. Phone Number

5. E-mail Address

6. Title of the Presentation (Japanese presentation in both Japanese and English translation)

7. Presentation Category

            A. Pedagogy (pre-college)

            B. Pedagogy (college)

            C. Linguistics

            D. Literature

            E. Other

8. Equipment Needs (computer, projector, internet access, etc.)

Please submit your abstract no later than Tuesday, May 1, 2018.

New deadline: Friday, June 1, 2018