Keynote Speaker: Professor Mayumi Oka, University of Michigan
例えば、「目玉焼き」「水と油」「線を引く」「山のような」といったフレーズや、「大きい/小さい」「深い/ 浅い」「作る」「動く」のような基本語彙は、メタファーとして意識されることなく、日々の会話に用いられています。そして、おもしろいことに、多くの同形のメタファーが異言語間で共通の意味を持ち、似たような場面で使われることもめずらしくありません。言語が違えども、人間の思考や概念には普遍的なものが存在することの証と言えるでしょう。
このたび、プリンストン大学名誉教授牧野成一先生との共著で、『日英共通メタファー辞典』“A Bilingual Dictionary of English and Japanese Metaphors” (くろしお出版)を上梓しました。多言語間で同様の意味を持つメタファーの中で、特に日英の共通表現に着目し、共通のメタファー
750組(1500語) を収録した日英併記の辞書です。
The Power of Metaphor: Facilitating Inter-Cultural Understanding and Enhancing Japanese Language Education
Mayumi Oka
Metaphors, similes, and other figures of speech are typically regarded as belonging to the realm of literary expression. However, they frequently arise in everyday conversation and serve a vital role in facilitating routine linguistic activity. Metaphors possess the ability to make abstract concepts concrete, frame unknown concepts in known terms, and assist speaker and listener in attaining a shared understanding. In fact, one could say that without figurative speech, mutual understanding between speaker and listener could not be established. This paper presents examples of metaphors common to both English and Japanese and examines their meanings, classification, and linguistic functions from a pedagogical perspective. Additionally, I propose that the use of figurative speech in Japanese language education offers numerous benefits, among which are: facilitating intercultural understanding, enhancing communicative ability, furthering the comprehension of polysemy and vocabulary expansion, reducing frustration in language learning, promoting kanji retention and correct particle usage, and making possible the evaluation of language ability on a cross-linguistic level.
Keywords: metaphors shared between Japanese and English, universality of fundamental concepts among distinct cultures, metaphor use in daily interaction, semantic polysemy, metaphoric competence
主な著書・論文に、『日英共通メタファー辞典』(牧野成一と共著,くろしお出版)『中上級者のための速読の日本語 [第2版] 』(ジャパンタイムズ)、『上級へのとびら』『きたえよう漢字力』『中級日本語を教える教師の手引き』 『これで身につく文法力』(以上,共著,くろしお出版)、「メタファー指導が日本語教育にもたらすもの」『言語教育の新展開』(鎌田修他編,ひつじ書房)、「メタファーが内包する文化相互理解の可能性と日本語教育におけるメタファーの活用」『日本語教育の新しい地平を開く』(筒井通雄他編,ひつじ書房)、ほか研究論文多数
Professor Mayumi Oka
Current position: Director, Japanese Language Program, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Michigan; Head Lecturer, Japanese Pedagogy Course, Summer Language Institute, University of Michigan
Highest degree: M.A. in Education, University of Rochester
Teaching history: Part-time Lecturer, Sophia University, Japan; Lecturer, Columbia University; Lecturer, Princeton University; Lecturer, University of Michigan
Major publications:
A Bilingual Dictionary of English and Japanese Metaphors (co-author, Seiichi Makino) (Tokyo:
Kurosio Publishers, 2017); Rapid Reading Japanese [second edition] - Improving Reading Skills of Intermediate and Advanced Students (Tokyo: The Japan Times, 2013)
TOBIRA Series (co-author Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers): Tobira Gateway to Advanced Japanese
Learning through Contents and Multimedia; Power up Your KANJI (2010); Teaching Intermediate Japanese Teacher's Guide (2011); Grammar Power (2012)
“The Benefits of Including Metaphors in Japanese Language Instruction,” Nihongo-kyooiku no Shintenkai,O. Kamada, et al. (eds.) (Tokyo: Hituzi-syobo, 2005); “The Power of Metaphor:
Facilitating Inter-Cultural Understanding and Enhancing Japanese Language Education” New Horizons in Japanese Language Education
Other Board Member, Association of Teachers of Japanese(2007-2011)