Postcolonial-Decolonial Dialogues

Join us for a series of monthly works-in-progress workshops and talks this winter and spring quarter organized by Preeti Singh (ASCL) that center around some of the main questions in postcolonial and de colonial studies. To receive the work-in-progress and participate, please email Preeti Singh (

February 26, 2024 

Tania Libertad Balderas (English), “Resistance Narratives: Storytelling of Transnational Emergencies in 1960s-70s US and Mexico (Work-in-Progress)

April 8, 2024

Preeti Singh (ASCL),  “Emergency/Emergence: Narratives of Postcolonial Authoritarianism (Work-In-Progress)

April 15, 2024 

Esen Kara (CompLit), “Writing the Catastrophe: Affective Archives and Non-representational Memory in Contemporary Turkish and US Latinx Literatures” (Public Talk)

May 10, 2024:

Eman Morsi (CompLit), “Another Hispanosphere: Western Saharans and linguistic belonging” (Work-in-Progress)

June 7: Translating Indigeneity: Aesthetics, Activism, Solidarities 

A One-Day Online Workshop. Speakers TBD