Native Cultural Production: (Re)Mapping Race, Gender, and Nation
Course: Native Cultural Production: (Re)Mapping Race, Gender, and Nation
Instructor: Prof. Mishuana Goeman
Assignment: Multi-media Map Presentation
Student groups will present 5-minute multi-media mapping project based on the readings and their interests. The presentation will consist of conceptualizing a map or creation of space that might exist between two communities discussed in our readings or with an individual community of your choosing with approval of the instructor. The size of the class will depend on the group size, but it will be between 3-4 people.
The idea is to promote a thoughtful exploration of how we narrate space, account for a “layered geography,” and examine the culturally specific tools that are part of cartographic consciousness. We will complete our project on a step-by-step frame and if the steps are followed on time, the project will not consume your finals period. This course will require the use of the x-hour period that will be devoted to the project and learning the skill of camera handling, filming, film editing, and putting together a video project. Also you will be responsible for signing out the cameras. This does mean you are agreeing to pay for damage and loss. The librarian assures me, however, that students have taken this responsibility well and that no incidences as of yet have occurred! I will have classroom cameras reserved for the week seven. Slots fill up fast for the cameras so if you need them, sign up in advance. If you do need to miss an x-hr, it will be your responsibility to set up a training time with the librarians in order to use the equipment. These training sessions are important, but they do have times on Tuesday night that require signing up. Your group does have the option of not doing a film project, but you do need to talk to me with a plan of what you would like to do in its place.
Portfolios will be important for the class as they will let me know how you are thinking about the readings and how this ties into your conceptualization of the project. The journal entry is to reflect on how the readings and theoretical approaches become part of the process of the creative production. Each entry will include a thought-provoking question to pose for class discussion. It may even be a question that helps your group with a particular issue relating to your project. You should purchase a binder and use this to organize your written entries and film material, available on blackboard. The items are to help you not get behind on the project and have to rush at the end. Remember it takes four times as long to edit as it does to film. Therefore the items below are used to help you carefully plan your shots, filming, and content before you begin. In the end you will have a ten-week reflection on this process. The materials in the portfolio are items often used in the film industry.
- Portfolio Items:
- Weekly Journal reflection on the reading and Your question
- Project Idea
- Video Treatment
- Story Boards
- Project Schedule
- Shot list or Footage Log
- Peer Evaluation of Group