Link to Meredith’s Google Scholar page
+Denotes postdoctoral advisee, *Denotes graduate student advisee, **Denotes undergraduate student advisee.
In Review
Fame ML, Chilton KD, Kelly MA, Spotila JA, Caton SA, in review. Periglacial resurfacing of hillslopes and channels with large boulders in the Virginia Appalachians. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
Doughty AM+, Kelly MA, Russell JM, Jackson MS, Anderson BM, Chipman J, Nakileza B, 2023. Last glacial maximum reconstructions of Rwenzori mountain glaciers. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 38, e2022PA004527.
Garelick S, Russell JM, Richards A, Smith J, Kelly MA, Anderson NC*, Jackson MS*, Doughty AM+, Nakileza B, Ivory S, Marshall C, 2022. The dynamics of warming during the last deglaciation in high-elevation regions of Eastern Equatorial Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews 281, 107416.
Miller G, Wolfe AP, Axford Y, Briner JP, Bueltmann H, Crump S, Francis D, Fréchette B, Gorbey D, Kelly MA, McFarlin J, Osterberg E, Raberg J, Raynolds M, Sepúlveda J, Thomas E, deWet G, 2022. Last interglacial lake sediments preserved beneath Laurentide and Greenland Ice Sheets provide insights into Arctic amplification and constrain 130 ka of ice-sheet history: Journal of Quaternary Science 37, 979-1005.
Lowell TV, Kelly MA, Howley JA, Fisher TG, Barnett PJ, Schwartz R, Zimmerman SRH, Norris N, Malone AGO, 2021. Near-constant retreat rate of a terrestrial margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet during the last deglaciation: Geology 49, 1511-1515.
Medford AK, Hall BL, Lowell TV, Kelly MA, Levy LB*, Wilcox PS, Axford Y, 2021. Holocene glacial history of Renland, East Greenland, reconstructed from lake sediments: Quaternary Science Reviews 258, 106883.
Vickers AC, Shakun JD, Goehring BM, Gorin A, Kelly MA, Jackson MS*, Doughty AD+, Russell JM, 2021. Similar Holocene glaciation histories in tropical South America and Africa: Geology 49, 140-144.
Doughty AM+, Kelly MA, Russell JM, Jackson MS*, Anderson BM, Chipman JW, Nakileza B, Dee SG, 2020. Modeling glacier extents and equilibrium line altitudes in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda, over the last 31,000 yr, in Waitt RB, Thackray GD, Gillespie AR, eds., Untangling the Quaternary Period: A Legacy of Stephen C. Porter: Geological Society of America Special Paper 548, p. 171–188.
Jackson MS*, Kelly MA, Russell JM, Doughty AM+, Howley JA, Chipman JW, Cavagnaro DA**, Baber MB*, Zimmerman SRH, Nakileza B, 2020. Glacial fluctuations in tropical Africa during the last glacial termination and implications for tropical climate following the Last Glacial Maximum: Quaternary Science Reviews 243, 106455.
Levy LB, Larsen NK, Knudsen MF, Egholm DL, Bjørk AA, Kjeldsen KK, Kelly MA, Howley JA, Olsen J, Tikhomirov D, Zimmerman SRH, Kjær KH, 2020. Two-step deglaciation of South and Southeast Greenland driven by air and ocean warming: Quaternary Science Reviews 242, 106454.
Axford Y, Lasher GE, Kelly MA, Osterberg EC, Landis J, Schellinger GC, Pfeiffer A, Thompson E**, Francis DR, 2019. Holocene temperature history of northwest Greenland – with new ice cap constraints and chironomid assemblages from Deltasø: Quaternary Science Reviews 215: 160-172.
Jackson MS*, Kelly MA, Russell JM, Doughty AM+, Howley JA, Chipman JW, Cavagnaro D**, Nakileza B, Zimmerman SH, 2019. High-latitude warming initiated the onset of the last deglaciation in the tropics: Science Advances 5, eaaw2610. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaw2610
Benito X, Fritz S, Steinitz-Kannan M, Tapia PM, Kelly MA, Lowell TV, 2018. Geo-climatic factors drive diatom community distribution in tropical South American freshwaters: Journal of Ecology 106, 1660-1672.
Farnsworth LB*, Kelly MA, Bromley GRM, Axford Y, Osterberg EC, Howley JA, Jackson MS*, Zimmerman SR, 2018. Holocene history of the Greenland Ice Sheet margin in northern Nunatarssuaq, Northwest Greenland: Arktos 4, article #10, doi:10.1007/s41063-018-0044-0.
Levy LB*, Kelly MA, Howley JA, Virginia RA, 2018. Middle to late Holocene chronology of the southwestern margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet: a comparison with Holocene temperature and precipitation records: Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 50, doi:10.1080/15230430.2017.1414477.
McFarlin JM, Axford Y, Osburn MR, Kelly MA, Osterberg EC, Farnsworth LB*, 2018. Pronounced summer warming in Northwest Greenland during the Holocene and Last Interglacial: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, 6357-6362.
Sagredo EA, Kaplan MR, Paola SA, Lowell TV, Aravena JC, Moreno PI, Kelly MA, Schaefer JM, 2018. Trans-Pacific glacial response to the Antarctic Cold Reversal in the southern mid-latitudes: Quaternary Science Reviews 188, 160-166.
Axford Y, Levy LB*, Kelly MA, Francis DR, Hall BL, Langdon PG, Lowell TV, 2017. Timing and magnitude of early to middle Holocene warming in East Greenland inferred from chironomids: Boreas 46, 678-687.
Lasher GE, Axford Y, McFarlin JM, Kelly MA, Osterberg EC, Berkelhammer MB, 2017. Holocene temperatures and isotopes of precipitation in Northwest Greenland recorded in lacustrine organic material. Quaternary Science Reviews 170, 45-55.
Loomis SE, Russell JM, Verschuren D, Morrill C, De Cort G, Sinninghe Damasté JS, Olago D, Eggermont H, Street-Perrott FA, Kelly MA, 2017. The tropical lapse rate steepened during the Last Glacial Maximum: Science Advances 3, e1600815. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1600815
Lusas AR, Hall BL, Lowell TV, Kelly MA, Bennike O, Levy LB*, Honsaker W, 2017. Holocene climate and environmental history of East Greenland inferred from lake sediments: Paleolimnology 57, 321-341.
Sagredo EA, Lowell TV, Kelly MA, Rupper S, Aravena JC, Ward DJ, Malone GO, 2017. Equilibrium line altitudes along the Andes during the Last millennium: Paleoclimatic implications: The Holocene 27, 1019-1033.
Kelly MA, Fisher TG, Lowell TV, Barnett P, Schwartz R, 2016. 10Be ages of flood deposits west of Lake Nipigon, Ontario: evidence for eastward meltwater drainage during the early Holocene Epoch: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 53, 321-330.
Levy LB*, Kelly MA, Lowell TV, Hall BH, Howley JA, Smith CA, 2016. Coeval fluctuations of the Greenland Ice Sheet and local glaciers, central East Greenland: implications for late-glacial climate: Geophysical Research Letters 43, doi:10.1002/2015GL067108.
Phillips FM, Kelly MA, Hudson AM, Stone JOH, Schaefer JM, Marrero SM, Fifield K, Finkel RC, Lowell TV, 2016. CRONUS-Earth calibration samples from the Huancané II moraines, Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru: Quaternary Geochronology 31, 220-236.
Phillips FM, Argento DC, Caffee MW, Dunai T, Finkel R, Goehring BM, Gosse JC, Hudson A, Jull TAJ, Kelly MA, Lifton N, Marrereo SM, Nishiizumi K, Reedy R, Stone JOH, 2016. Where now? Reflections on future directions for cosmogenic nuclide research from the CRONUS-Earth Project: Quaternary Geochronology 31, 155-159.
Phillips FM, Argento DC, Balco G, Caffee MW, Clem J, Dunai T, Finkel R, Goehring BM, Gosse JC, Hudson A, Jull TAJ, Kelly MA, Kurz M, Lal D, Lifton N, Marrereo SM, Nishiizumi K, Reedy R, Schaefer J, Stone JOH, Swanson T, Zreda MG, 2016. The CRONUS-Earth Project: A Synthesis: Quaternary Geochronology 31 119-154.
Sagredo EA, Lowell TV, Kelly MA, Aravena JC, Rupper S, 2016. Equilibrium line altitudes along the Andes during the last millennium: paleoclimatic implications: The Holocene 27, 1019-1033.
Slemmons KEH, Medford A, Hall BL, Stone JR, McGowan S, Lowell T, Kelly M, Saros JE, 2016. Changes in glacial meltwater alter algal communities in lakes of Scoresby Sund, Renland, East Greenland throughout the Holocene: abrupt reorganizations began 1000 years before present: The Holocene 27, 929-940.
Kelly MA, Lowell TV, Applegate PJ, Phillips FM, Schaefer JM, Smith CA, Kim H**, Leonard K, Hudson AM, 2015. A locally calibrated, late glacial 10Be production rate from a low-latitude, high-altitude site in the Peruvian Andes: Quaternary Geochronology 26, 70-85.
Malone AGO, Pierrehumbert RT, Lowell TV, Kelly MA, Stroup JS*, 2015. Constraints on Southern Hemisphere tropical climate change during the Little Ice Age and Younger Dryas based on glacier modeling of Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru: Quaternary Science Reviews 125, 106-116. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.08.001
Stroup JS*, Kelly MA, Lowell TV, Smith CA, Beal SA*, Tapia PM, 2015. Late Holocene fluctuations of Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru, registered by nearby lake sediments: Journal of Quaternary Science 30, 830-840.
Beal SA*, Kelly MA, Stroup JS*, Jackson BP, Lowell TV, 2014. Natural and antropogenic variations in atmospheric mercury deposition over the Holocene near Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru: Global Biogeochemical Cycles 28(4), 437-450.
Levy LB*, Kelly MA, Lowell TV, Hall BL, Hempel LA*, Honsacker WM, Lusas AR, Howley JA, Axford YL, 2014. Holocene fluctuations of Bregne ice cap, Scoresby Sund, eastern Greenland: a proxy for climate along the east Greenland Ice Sheet margin: Quaternary Science Reviews 92, 357-368.
Kelly MA, Russell JM, Baber MB*, Howley JA, Loomis SE, Zimmerman SR, Nakileza B, Lukaye J, 2014. Expanded glaciers during a dry and cold Last Glacial Maximum in equatorial East Africa: Geology 42(6), 519-522.
Stroup JS*, Kelly MA, Lowell TV, Applegate PJ, Howley JA, 2014. Little Ice Age fluctuations of Qori Kalis outlet glacier, Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peruvian Andes: Geology 42(4), 347-350.
Beal SA*, Jackson BP, Kelly MA, Stroup JS*, Landis JD, 2013. Effects of historical and modern mining on mercury deposition in southeastern Peru: Environmental Science & Technology 47(22),12715–12720.
Lowell TV, Hall BH, Kelly MA, Bennike O, Lusas AR, Honsaker W, Smith CA, Levy LB*, Travis S, Denton GH, 2013. Late Holocene expansion of Istorvet ice cap, Liverpool Land, east Greenland: Quaternary Science Reviews 62, 1-13.
Lowell TV, Hall BH, Kelly MA, Bennike O, Smith CA, Denton GH, 2013. Reply to Miller et al. (2013) Substantial agreement on the timing and magnitude of Late Holocene ice cap expansion between east Greenland and the eastern Canadian Arctic: a commentary on Lowell et al. (2013): Quaternary Science Reviews 77, 246-247.
Applegate PJ, Urban NM, Keller K, Lowell TV, Laabs BJC, Kelly MA, Alley RB, 2012. Improved moraine age interpretations through explicit matching of geomorphic process models to cosmogenic nuclide measurements from single landforms: Quaternary Research 77, 293-304.
Hildreth CT, Bigl M*, Stroup JS*, Levy LB*, Kelly MA, 2012. Glacial and postglacial features of the Connecticut River Valley: Claremont, Lebanon, Hanover, Enfield to Lyme, New Hampshire (Fieldtrip C1). In Thompson PJ, Thompson TB, (Eds.), Guidebook to Field Trips in Western New Hampshire and Adjacent Vermont and Massachusetts. New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 104th Annual Meeting.
Kelly MA, Lowell TV, Applegate PJ, Smith CA, Phillips FM, Hudson AM, 2012. Late glacial fluctuations of Quelccaya Ice Cap, southeastern Peru: Geology 40, 991-994.
Levy LB*, Kelly MA, Howley JA, Virginia RA, 2012. Age of the Ørkendalen moraines, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland: constraints on the extent of the southwestern margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Holocene: Quaternary Science Reviews, Rapid Communication 52, 1-5.
Criscitiello AS*, Kelly MA, Tremblay B, 2010. Glacier response to climate change: Juneau Icefield, Alaska: Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 42, 34-44.
Goehring BM*, Kelly MA, Schaefer JM, Finkel RC, Lowell TV, 2010. Dating of raised marine and lacustrine deposits in east Greenland using beryllium-10 depth profiles and implications for estimates of subglacial erosion: Journal of Quaternary Science 25, 865-874.
Osterberg EC, Smith AJ*, Kelly MA, 2010. Friends of the Pleistocene Fieldtrip – Lebanon-Hanover Area: In Hildreth CT, (Ed.), Glaciation of the Connecticut River Valley – Hanover, Lebanon, Enfield, Cornish and Claremont, New Hampshire. Friends of the Pleistocene Meeting.
Sidall M, Kaplan MR, Schaefer JM, Putnam A., Kelly MA, Goehring BM*, 2010. Changing influence of Antarctic and Greenland temperature records on sea level over the last glacial cycle: Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 410-423.
Palsea (PALeo SEA level working group), 2010. The sea-level conundrum: case studies from palaeo-archives. Journal of Quaternary Science 25, 19-25.
Kelly MA, Lowell TV, 2009. Fluctuations of local glaciers in Greenland during latest Pleistocene and Holocene time: Quaternary Science Reviews 28, 2088-2106.
Kelly MA, Long AJ, 2009. The dimensions of the Greenland Ice Sheet since the Last Glacial Maximum: Pages – Past Global Changes Newsletter 17/2, 60-61.
Prior to 2009
Hall BL, Baroni C, Denton GH, Kelly MA, Lowell TV, 2008. Relative sea-level change, Kjove Land, Scoresby Sund, east Greenland: Implications for seasonality in late-glacial time: Quaternary Science Reviews 27, 2283-2291.
Kelly MA, Lowell TV, Hall BL, Schaefer JM, Finkel RC, Goehring BM*, Alley RB, Denton GH, 2008. A 10Be chronology of late-glacial and Holocene mountain glaciation in the Scoresby Sund region, east Greenland: Implications for seasonality during late-glacial time: Quaternary Science Reviews 27, 2273-2282.
Lowell TV, Kelly MA, 2008. Was the Younger Dryas global?: Science 321, 348-349.
Kelly MA, Ivy-Ochs S, Kubik PW, von Blanckenburg F, Schlüchter C, 2006. Chronology of deglaciation based upon 10Be dates of glacial erosional features in the Grimsel Pass region, central Swiss Alps: Boreas 35/4, 634-643.
Preusser F, Schlüchter C, Drescher-Schneider R, Ivy-Ochs S, Kelly M, 2006. Comment on “First evidence of ‘in-situ’ Eemian sediments on the high plateau of Evian (Northern Alps, France): implications for the chronology of the Last Glaciation”: Quaternary Science Reviews 25, 645-647.
Kelly MA, Kubik PW, von Blanckenburg F, Schlüchter C, 2004. Surface exposure dating of the Great Aletsch Glacier Egesen moraine system, western Swiss Alps, using the cosmogenic nuclide 10Be: Journal of Quaternary Science 19/5, 431-441.
Kelly MA, Buoncristiani J-F, Schlüchter C, 2004. A reconstruction of the last glacial maximum (LGM) ice-surface geometry in the western Swiss Alps and contiguous Alpine regions in Italy and France: Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae 97, 57-75.
Kelly MA, Denton GH, Hall BL, 2002. Late Cenozoic paleoenvironment in southern Victoria Land, Antarctica, based on a polar form of glaciolacustrine drift in western Victoria Valley: Geological Society of America Bulletin 114/5, 605-618.<0605:LCPISV>2.0.CO;2
Ridge JC, Canwell BA, Kelly MA, Kelley SZ, 2001. An atmospheric 14C chronology for late Wisconsinan deglaciation and sea-level change in eastern New England using varve and paleomagnetic records: In Weddle, T.K. and Retelle, M.J., eds., Deglacial History and Relative Sea-Level Changes, Northern New England and Adjacent Canada: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Special Paper 351, 171-189.
Schlüchter C, Kelly M, 2000. Das Eiszeitalter in der Schweiz: IGCP-378, Stiftung Landschaft und Kies, Uttigen, Switzerland. PDF
Published Geological Maps
Bini A, Buoncristiani, JF, Couterrand S, Ellwanger D, Felber M, Florineth D, Graf HR, Keller O, Kelly M, Schlüchter C, Schoenich P, 2009. Die Schweiz während des letzteiszeitlichen Maximums (LGM): Bundesamt für Landestopografie Swisstopo, map.
Henze TD, Hodum DG, Kelly MA, Sinson DA, Brandes AL, Dickson SM, Kelley JT, 2008. Coastal Bluffs map, Pemaquid Point Quadrangle, Maine. Maine Geological Survey, Open-File No. 08-63.
Henze TD, Hodum DG, Kelly MA, Dickson SM, Kelley JT, 2002. Coastal Bluffs map, Bristol Quadrangle, Maine. Maine Geological Survey, Open-File No. 02-177.
Henze TD, Hodum DG, Kelly MA, Dickson SM, Kelley JT, 2002. Coastal Bluffs map, Damariscotta Quadrangle, Maine. Maine Geological Survey, Open-File No. 02-185.