The Neukom Institute for Computational Science at Dartmouth College is accepting book and play submissions for the 2020 Neukom Institute Literary Arts Awards.
The Neukom Awards, now in its third year, offers prizes in three categories of speculative fiction. Each category will receive an honorarium of $5,000 at a Dartmouth-sponsored event related to speculative fiction.
The speculative fiction awards are offered for playwriting, established author and first-time author.
The deadline for all submissions is December 31, 2019. The awards will be announced in the spring of 2020.
The award in the playwriting category is a partnership between the Neukom Institute, the Department of Theater at Dartmouth College and Northern Stage based in White River Junction, Vermont.
Plays should be written in response to the prompt: “What does it mean to be a human in a computerized world?” The award is reserved for plays that have not received a full production.
Additional information on play and book submissions as well as previous winners may be found on the Neukom Institute website at: https://sites.dartmouth.edu/neukominstitutelitawards/