Advocate for Primary Care
- Spread awareness about the national shortage through…
- Educational programming including weekly presentations by members on topics such as…
- Overview of primary care
- Primary care and telehealth
- Primary care and public health in Uganda
- Depression and alcohol screening as related to primary care
- Dinners/presentations with primary care physicians and researchers for campus
- Educational programming including weekly presentations by members on topics such as…
- Compile and share resources related to primary care and public health (internships, jobs, research, etc.) with our members
Work in Collaboration with Campus Organizations
Dick’s House and Wellness Center Project
- Promoted use of primary care services at Dick’s House
- Helped the Dartmouth community understand offerings provided
- Learned about sleeping habits of students and gave to Dick’s House
- Created a poster with the Wellness Center that advertised services like…
Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of science article about primary care
Authored Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science article “Selected Review of Topics in Primary Care affected by COVID-19” (2021: 352-357)
Social Impact Projects (In collaboration with the Dartmouth Center for Social Impact)
Good Beginnings of the Upper Valley (2018-2019)
Designed a brochure on postpartum depression (recognition, symptoms, local resources) for Good Beginnings of the Upper Valley, an organization that provides education and virtual and in-person support to families with new babies
Restore Hope: Liberia (2019-2020)
Conducted a literature review on the cultural norms in Liberia surrounding HIV and safe sex practices for Restore Hope: Liberia, an organization providing relief and empowerment to the most vulnerable in post-emergency communities through an innovative integration of health, education, and economic development, creating opportunity, changing lives and building resilient communities
Good Neighbor Health Clinics (2020-2021)
Created flyers on free medical and dental for uninsured and underinsured Upper Valley residents for Good Neighbor Health Clinics, a non-
Listen community services (2021-2022)
Collaborated with LISTEN Community Services, who is passionate about helping families and individuals secure the resources that they need to be safe, fed, and housed. We researched the connection between addressing basic needs, social determinants of health, and generational poverty alleviation by producing an annotated bibliography and survey to help LISTEN in grant applications and to better track their impact in the Upper Valley.