
We study the multicellular interactions between neurons and glia in the brain with a primary focus on the generation, plasticity, and regeneration of myelinating oligodendrocytes. We aim to understand how these cells behave in developmental and neurodegenerative contexts including multiple sclerosis, aging, and Alzheimer’s disease. Techniques include high-resolution optical imaging in combination with molecular labels, genetic manipulation, and sensors of cellular physiology.

Positions are available for undergraduates, graduates, and postdocs.

Learn more

  • September 2024 – Xhoela’s paper is highlighted by Dartmouth News!
  • September 2024 – Welcome to fall MCB rotation student Engie Mostafa!
  • August 2024 – Xhoela publishes a paper in Nature Communications!
  • July 2024 – Yasmine is awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the NMSS. Congrats to Yasmine!
  • June 2024 – Genaro and Maryanne publish a paper in Cell Reports!
  • June 2024 – Matt Ciolkowski has joined the lab as a PhD student, welcome to Matt!
  • May 2024 – Congratulations to Dr. Genaro Olveda on his Ph.D. defense!
  • March 2024 – Our paper is highlighted on the Cover, by This Week in the Journal, and by Dartmouth News
  • February 2024 – Tim, Yasmine, and Enrique publish a paper in The Journal of Neuroscience!
  • December 2023 – Welcome to winter MCB rotation student Sasipha Hokeness and IND rotation student Matt Ciolkowski!
  • September 2023 – Congratulations to Dr. Tim Chapman on his Ph.D. defense!
  • September 2023 – Welcome to postdoctoral fellow Yasmine Kamen Ph.D.!
  • September 2023 – Welcome to fall MCB rotation student Zachary Boyce!
  • July 2023 – Enrique Piedra has joined the lab as a D-PREP scholar, welcome to Enrique!
  • June 2023 – Megan Doty has joined the lab as a PhD student, welcome to Megan!
  • March 2023 – Welcome to spring rotation students Rachel Dansereau and Abigail McGee!
  • March 2023 – Guarini highlights the great work being done by the students in the lab.
  • March 2023 – Tim, Genaro, and Xhoela publish a paper in Nature Neuroscience!
  • January 2023 – Xhoela is awarded a predoctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association. Congratulations to Xhoela!
  • January 2023 – Genaro is awarded a predoctoral fellowship from the NIH. Congratulations to Genaro!
  • January 2023 – Welcome to winter IND rotation student Megan Doty!
  • July 2022 – Robert is named a Klingenstein-Simons Fellow
  • June 2022 – Alicia Pietramale has joined the lab as a PhD student, welcome to Alicia! 
  • March 2022 – Welcome to spring MCB rotation student Kerry Wang!
  • September 2021 – Welcome to fall rotation students Alicia and Cameron!
  • June 2021 – The lab receives R01 funding from the NIH.
  • May 2021 – Welcome to Xhoela Bame as our newest graduate student!
  • December 2020 – New preprint by Tim and colleagues shared on bioRxiv!
  • Fall 2020 – Welcome rotating graduate students Xhoela, Karl, and Zahra!
  • March 2020 – Welcome graduate student Genaro Olveda!
  • December 2019 – Welcome rotating graduate students Amelia and Diana!
  • November 2019 – Tim publishes a review on myelin plasticity in adulthood and aging. Congrats Tim! 
  • September 2019 – Welcome undergraduate student Leeza Petrov!
  • July 2019 – Welcome research scientist Beth Pereira and undergraduate student Nikhil Ganjoo! 
  • June 2019 – The lab receives seed funding from the Brain Research Foundation.
  • April 2019 – New review paper published on optical imaging of myelin. 
  • January 2019 – Welcome undergraduate students Twisha Bhardwaj and Nikhil Lele!
  • October 2018 – Welcome graduate student Tim Chapman!
  • September 2018 – Welcome rotating graduate student Erik Brink and undergraduate student Alec Vaules!
  • July 2018 – The lab officially opened.
  • March 2018 – New paper in Nature Neuroscience highlighted by Faculty of 1000NeuronNature Reviews and Yale News

  • Bame X and Hill RA. (2024) Nature Communications PMID: 39143079
  • Olveda GE, Barasa MN, and Hill RA. (2024) Cell Reports PMID: 38935500
  • Chapman TW, Kamen Y, Piedra ET, and Hill RA. (2024) The Journal of Neuroscience. PMID: 38395617
  • Chapman TW, Olveda G, Bame Xh, Pereira E, and Hill RA. (2023) Nature Neuroscience. PMID: 36928635
  • Hill RA, Li AM, and Grutzendler J. (2018) Nature Neuroscience. PMID: 29556031
  • Hill RA, Damisah EC, Chen F, Kwan AC, and Grutzendler J. (2017) Nature Communications. PMID: 28621306
  • Hill RA, Tong L, Yuan P, Murikinati S, Gupta S, and Grutzendler J. (2015) Neuron. PMID: 26119027
  • Hill RA and Grutzendler J. (2014) Nature Methods. PMID: 25357236
  • Hill RA, Patel KD, Goncalves CM, Grutzendler J, and Nishiyama A. (2014) Nature Neuroscience, PMID: 25262495

Biological Sciences
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755