
With the support from Friends of the Skiway like Barbara, we can continue being the heart of skiing in the Upper Valley for generations to come. Make a tax-deductible donation today to help keep people skiing.

Become a Friend of Dartmouth Skiway

Since 1956, the Skiway has been this community’s destination for winter recreation and enjoyment. This year, we are celebrating our Friends of Dartmouth Skiway by offering a limited edition poster for Friends who donate $100 or more.  

In addition to receiving this one-of-a-kind poster, your generous tax-deductible contribution will allow Dartmouth Skiway to:

  • Develop new programming for the Skiway community, especially more uphill programming.
  • Enact operational improvements to the mountain such as expansion to our terrain park and upgrading our snowmaking equipment.
  • Support sustainability and water initiatives for the future of the Skiway such as water retention infrastructure and an all electric snowmaking operation.

Skiway’s 2023 Annual Report 

Here are some of the highlights from last year at the Skiway:

  • Over 40,000 skier visits last season skiing over 235 million vertical feet.
  • Developed 2 new uphill offerings including a “Learn to Uphill” camp and uphill rentals.
  • Provided almost 35,000 rides for over 6,000 students. 

Dartmouth Skiway’s Next Chapter

What will the Skiway look like in 30 years? How do we continue to ski in the face of climate change? How do we support our community and remain the heart of skiing in the Upper Valley?

There are myriad questions facing the future of the Skiway, our masterplan endeavors to shape the way we’ll approach these opportunities.

This is the first iteration of a long term plan for Dartmouth Skiway – please share your feedback and help us write the next chapter.

Dartmouth Skiway



39 Grafton Turnpike Rd
Lyme Center, NH 03769

Mailing Address

PO Box 161
Lyme Center, NH 03769

News from the Ledges

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