
Dartmouth Skiway History

The Dartmouth Skiway has a long, colorful role in American ski history. With prominent ski team alumni, a much-decorated racing history, and generations of folks who learned to ski on our slopes, there are countless Skiway stories to tell. Here’s a glimpse…


This excerpt from Skiway: A Dartmouth Winter Tale by Everett Wood ‘38 outlines the Skiway’s very beginnings:

With its northern New England location and an active Outing Club, Dartmouth College was “the collegiate champion of the outdoor life and winter sports” in the early 1900’s. A number of men skied for the United States in the 1936 Winter Olympics in Germany, an amazing feat given that their local ski hills were what is today the Hanover Country Club.


In April 1955, a report, spearheaded by John Meck ’33 entitled, “Development of Adequate Skiing Facilities for Dartmouth Students in the Hanover Area,” was submitted to the Dartmouth Trustee Planning Committee. The report outlined five basic principles, the first two stating, “Dartmouth has had a preeminence in skiing which has been beneficial and… it is very desirable that this preeminence be maintained… both in terms of competition at the ski team level and of recreational skiing for the student body generally.” The Trustees were sold with the idea.

Throughout the Years


John Meck ‘33 publishes his report, “Development of Adequate Skiing Facilities for Dartmouth Students in the Hanover Area,” to the Dartmouth Trustee Planning Committee. They’re into it.

Spring 1956

The Lyme, NH site for the Skiway is identified. 

Summer 1956

In the summer and early fall, neighbors—most of whom live within sight of the hill—turn out to transform Holt’s Ledge into a real live ski area. Howard Chivers ‘39 serves as its first General Manager.

Fall 1956

The Skiway’s first 3,776-foot-long Poma lift is installed, giving us an uphill capacity of 800 skiers an hour. 


It’s official! The Skiway’s first lodge, the Peter Brundage Lodge, is completed. Holt’s Ledge is formally dedicated on January 12. 


Long lift lines mean it’s time for another lift. A 1,700-foot-long Mueller T-bar goes in at the foot of the Don Worden Schuss, and the Brundage Lodge gets a facelift.


Success! People love the Skiway. So much so, in fact, that it becomes too crowded to be enjoyable, prompting John Meck to author another report: “Dartmouth Skiway: Completion of Winslow Hill Development.” You can probably see where this is going.


Another lift, a 3,800 foot Italian double chairlift, is installed at Winslow Hill. In just six months, the lift goes in, and four new trails are cut, graded, and groomed. They stick with the collegiate theme to name these trails: Ph.D., M.D., M.B.A., A.B., Cum Laude, and, for the lesser achievers, Pass/Fail and Dropout. 


An abysmal snow year means the Skiway operates just 34 days this season. 


Holt’s original Poma lift is replaced with a Hall double chairlift. This means the Skiway has really arrived—it has chairlifts on both peaks.


Two-time Olympic biathlete John Morton becomes the Head Men’s Ski Coach.


With a depressing four operating days this season, the Skiway starts considering its snowmaking options. 


Longtime GM Howard Chivers passes away, just weeks after competing in a relay. Donald Cutter ‘73 takes over the helm.


Dartmouth Trustees approve the snowmaking project, and equipment is installed by the end of December. John Morton says the perfect snow causes students to line up daily to ride the bus to the Skiway. The Dupre Family, headed up by snowmaking pioneer patriarch Herman Dupre, will contribute greatly to increasing the Skiway’s snowmaking capacity over the ensuring years, and the Herman’s Highway trail will eventually be named after him.


A J-bar goes in at Winslow.


Winslow’s double chairlift gets an upgrade: new Garaventa CTEC fixed grip quad lift.


The Brundage Lodge has begun to show wear and tear, and construction on the new McLane Family Lodge begins. Built from local Vermont and New Hampshire forests, the gorgeous new 17,000-square-foot lodge wins an award for its unique architecture.


Doug Holler takes over as GM.


The Skiway modernizes with a new Doppelmayr-CTEC overhead drive on the Holt’s side, but retains its unvarnished New England feel by keeping the double chairlift in place.


Mark Adamczyk becomes the Skiway’s newest GM.

A Deeper Look…

Passion for Skiing

This book and film highlight how a passion for skiing has expressed itself in the lives of Dartmouth-connected folks for over 100 years.

Ski Team

Dartmouth founded the first collegiate ski team as part of the Dartmouth Outing Club (DOC) in 1909.

Dartmouth Skiway



39 Grafton Turnpike Rd
Lyme Center, NH 03769

Mailing Address

PO Box 161
Lyme Center, NH 03769

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