Eye-witness accounts of the First Crusade
Gesta Francorum
Gesta Francorum Et Aliorum Hierosolimitanorum.
Gesta Francorum. Gesta Francorum Et Aliorum Hierosolimitanorum.
Unknown cleric or laymen, compiled by 1104. Rubenstein argues compiled for collection of exhortation stories of crusade.
Facing-page (Latin and English) edition and translation: Gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosolimitanorum. Edited and translated by Rosalind Hill. London: 1962.
Older Latin edition. Hagemeyer, Anonymi, Gesta Francorum at aliorum Hierosolimitanorum. Heidelberg: 1890.
Older Latin edition: RHC Occ. 3
Peter Tudebode
Historia De Hierosolymitano Itinere
Tudebode, Peter, ed. Petrus Tudebodus: Historia de Hierosolymitano Itinere. edited by J.H. and L.L. Hill. Paris, 1977.
RHC Occ. 3, 1-117.
PL v. 155
English translation: Tudebode, Peter. Historia de Hierosolymitano itinere. Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society v. 101. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1974.
Fulcher of Chartres
Historia Hierosolymitana.
Latin edition: Fulcher of Chartres, ed. Historia Hierosolymitana. edited by Heinrich Hagemeyer. Heidelberg, 1913.
RHC Occ 3, 311-485
English: Fulcher of Chartres. A History of the Expedition to Jerusalem 1095-1127. Translated by Frances Rita Ryan. Knoxville: 1969.
Wrote first part by about 1106 or 1107; This early recension probably circulated in the West around this time. Fulcher then revised and updated the text, making additions and changes through 1128. Manuscript “L” seems to represent earlier recension, dating to before 1106 (see Rubenstein, 2014, Three Crusading chronicles)
Fulcher Abbreviated (Fulcher 2.0)
Gesta Francorum Hierusalem expugantium. Earlier attributed, on weak grounds, to Bartolf of Nangis, this is now understood to be an early rescension of Fulcher of Chartres’ text Historia Hierosolymitana.
RHC Occ. 3:491-543.
No translation
Written by ca. 1106, and the basis of the longer version edited by Hagemeyer. Description of Jerusalem at stake (not yet available in Fulcher’s account?). Recent scholarship attributing this text to Fulcher himself includes:
Susan Edginton, “The Gesta Francorum Iherusalem expungnatium of ‘Bartolf of Nangis” Crusades 13 (2014) 21-35.
Albert Derolez, “The Abbey of Saint-Bertin, the Liber Floridus, and the Origins of the Gesta Francorum Hierusalem expugnantium,” Manuscripta 57 (2013) 1-28.
Jay Rubenstein, “Guibert of NOgent, Albert of Aachen and Fulcher of Chartres: The Crusade Chronicles Intersect,” in Writing the Early Crusades, ed. Bull and Kempf. Boydell Press 2014, 24-37.
Raymond of Aguilers.
Historia Francorum qui ceperunt Iherusalem
Latin edition: d’Aguilers, Raymond. Le “Liber” de Raymond d’Aguilers. Documents relatifs à l’histoire des croisades 9. Paris: 1969.
RHC Occ 3, 311-485
English translation: Raymond d’Aguilers. Historia Francorum qui ceperunt Iherusalem; translated with Introduction and Notes by John Hugh Hill and Laurita L. Hill. Philadelphia: 1968.
Drew on Gesta Francorum. Chaplain to Raymond of St. Giles.
Ekkehard of Aura
Latin edition: Frutolfi et Ekkehardi Chronica necnon Anonymi Chronica Imperatorum, ed. Franz-Josef Schmale and Irene Schmale-Ott (Darmstadt, 1972), 125-162.
English translation in: Chronicles of the Investiture Contest: Frutolf of Michelsberg and his Continuators, tr. T. J. H. McCarthy (Manchester, 2014).
NB: McCarthy argues that we shouldn’t refer to the author as ‘Ekkehard’. See his introduction.
RHC Occ. 5:7-40. Composed: 1102-1106.
Ralph of Caen
Gesta Tancredi
Latin edition: Cadomensis, Radulphus. Tancredus CCCM 231, Edited by E D’Agnelo. Turnhout: 2011.
Older Latin edition: RHC Occ vol. 3, 587-716.
English translation: Bachrach, Bernard S, and David S Bachrach, eds. The Gesta Trancredi of Ralph of Caen: A History of the Normans on the First Crusade, Crusade Texts in Translation 12. Aldershot: 2005.
1108-1118, possibly written in Antioch.
William Caffaro
Genoa and the twelfth-century crusades. Translated by Martin Hall and Jonathan Phillips. Ashgate: 2013.
Latin ed.: RHC, vol 5 (II)
Epistulae (Letters)
Hagenmeyer, Heinrich. Epistulae et chartae ad historiam primi belli sacri spectantes. Die Kreuzzugsbriefe aus den Jahren 1088-1100: Eine Quellensammlung zur Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges mit Erläuterungen. Innsbruck: 1901.
RHC v. 3, includes letters from Stephen of Bloist and Anselm of Ribemont
Selected letters translated in: Barber, Malcolm, and Keith Bate. Letters from the East: Crusaders, Pilgrims and Settlers in the 12th- 13th Centuries. Farnham UK and Burlington VT: Ashgate, 2010.