Post 1291
The following is a bit of a hodgepodge.
Post 1291 recovery treatises
William of Adam
William of Adam. How to defeat the Saracens (Tractatus quomodo Sarraceni sunt expugnandi) / Guillelmus Ade ; text and translation with notes by Giles Constable ; in collaboration with Ranabir Chakravarti … [et al.]. Washington, D.C. : Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, c2012.
Pierre Dubois
Pierre Dubois. The recovery of the Holy Land. Translated by Walther Immanuel Brandt. Edited by Walther Immanuel Brandt, Records of civilization: sources and studies 51. New York,: Columbia University Press, 1956.
Guillaume de Machaut
The Capture of Alexandria, trans. Janet Shirley, introduction and notes by Peter Edbury (Rogers). Ashgate, Aldershot, 2001.
Peter von Dusburg — The Douglass goes on crusade, 1329
Translation found in Helen Nicholson, The Crusades. Westport: Conn, Greenwood Press: 2004.
Marino Sanudo,
Liber secretorum fielium crucis
Latin: Liber secretorum fidelium crucis super Terrae Sanctae recuperatione et conservatione. Original edition 1611. Reprint 1972.
Translation: The book of the secrets of the faithful of the cross. Translated by Peter Lock. Ashgate 2001.
Hussite Crusades
The crusade against heretics in Bohemia, 1418-1437 : sources and documents for the Hussite crusades. Edited by Thomas A. Fudge. Ashgate 2002
Jean le Bel — The second crusade against the Husites, September 1421. Translation found in Helen Nicholson, The Crusades. Westport: Conn, Greenwood Press: 2004.
Nicholaus von Jeroschin
The chronicle of Prussia: a history of the Teutonic Knights in Prussia, 1190-1331, translated by Mary Fischer. Ashgate: 2010
Crusading Against the Ottomans
John Kaye’s 1482 translation of Guillaume Caoursin’s eyewitness account of the 1480 siege of Rhodes by the Ottoman Turks. Translation found in Helen Nicholson, The Crusades. Westport: Conn, Greenwood Press: 2004.
The Crusade of Varna, 1443-45. Colin Imber. Aldershot, Ashgate 2006