Second Crusade
Odo of Deuil
De Profectione
Facing page: Odo of Deuil. De Profectione Ludovici VII in Orientem; The Journey of Louis VII to the east. Translated by Virginia Gingerick Berry. New York: Columbia, 1948.
Hugh of Poitiers
The Vezelay Chronicle
Latin is found in: PL [find]
English: Hugh of Poitiers, The Vezelay Chronicle and ohte rdocuments from Ms. Auxerre 227 and elsewhere, translated into English with notes, introduction, and accompanying material, by John Scott and John O, Ward, Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, Binghamton New York, 1992.
Otto of Freising
The deeds of Frederick Barbarossa, by Otto of Freising and his continuator, Rahewin; translated and annotated with an introd. by Charles Christopher Mierow with the collaboration of Richard Emery. New York, Columbia University Press, 1953.
William of Tyre
Latin edition: Chronicon. CCCM 63, 63A. 2 volumes. Edited by RBC Huygens Turnhout: 1986. (Reissued in single volume in 2013, retaining page numbers of original edition.)
Older edition: RHC, vol. 1.
English translation: William of Tyre. A history of deeds done beyond the sea. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943.
Letters of Louis VII and Conrad III sent from the crusade, in Letters from the East: Crusaders, Pilgrims and Settlers in the 12th–13th Centuries, ed. Malcolm Barber and Keith Bate (Farnham: Ashgate, 2010), pp. 45-7.
Note: The original Latin editions are cited in the volume.