Announcement: Welcome our Bodas Family Academic Programming Fund South Asian Studies Fellows

The South Asian Studies Collective is excited to welcome Bryanna Entwistle and Sri Sathvik Rayala as Bodas Family Academic Programming Fund South Asian Studies Fellows for the 2021–22 academic year! Their biographies are below:

Bryanna Entwistle

My name is Bryanna Entwistle, and I am currently a third-year student at Dartmouth College. I’m double majoring in Government and History while minoring in Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages. I was born in Hong Kong and raised in both Mumbai and Singapore, so the region is close to my heart! On-campus, I’m involved in the Sugarplum Dance Troupe, do research on the Vietnam War with the Dartmouth Digital History Initiative, and have engaged deeply with the Center for Social Impact. I’m looking forward to serving as one of the Bodas Family Academic Programming Fund South Asian Studies Fellows for the upcoming school year!

Sri Sathvik Rayala

Greetings! My name is Sri Sathvik Rayala, and I am currently a second-year student at Dartmouth College with a multi-disciplinary interest (politics, international affairs, economics, history, philosophy, and religion) in South Asian Studies. I am presently intending to double-major in “Government Modified with Economics and Philosophy” and “Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages” with a focus on South and Southeast Asia. On-campus, I’m involved with the World Outlook, the Dartmouth Undergraduate Law Journal, and the Dartmouth Political Times, and I’m also part of two off-campus academic reading groups concerned with the study of Vaishnava traditions and Manipravalam texts of South Asia. I’m eagerly looking forward to serving as one of the Bodas Family Academic Programming Fund South Asian Studies Fellows with the South Asian Studies Collective for the 2021–22 academic year.

Announcement: Publications by our members (Summer 2021)

The South Asian Studies Collective at Dartmouth has the following publications and announcements to share.

Anthropology Professor Sienna Craig and collaborators published the preliminary results of their SSRC-funded research into the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on members of New York City’s Himalayan communities in the following essays:

MALS program graduate, Aneeq Ejaz, published a review, titled “How we reached here,” discussing SherAli Tareen’s book, Defending Muḥammad in Modernity in Pakistan’s The News on Sunday (August 8, 2021).

During the past year, History Professor Douglas Haynes has continued to work on the history of advertisement and consumption. His new publications in this area include an essay on “Vernacular Capitalism, Advertising and the Bazaar in Early Twentieth-century Western India,” in the volume he coedited with Ajay Gandhi, Barbara Harriss-White, and Sebastian Schwecke (read the announcement about that volume here), along with contributions to two other volumes:

He also published an article on how Gandhi formulated his concept of celibacy in interaction with the emerging field of sexual science and the birth control movement: “Gandhi, Brahmacharya and Sexual Science, 1919–38,” South Asia: A Journal of South Asian Studies, 43 (2) (2020): 1163–78. He is currently finishing a book on professional advertising in the interwar period.

To support a new project on the formation of the Indian Institutes of Management in Ahmedabad and Calcutta in the 1960s—and their impact on the character of managerial capitalism in India—Professor Haynes was also awarded a four-month grant from the American Institute of Indian Studies.

Postdoctoral Fellow Elizabeth Lhost published an essay, “Of Horizontal Exchanges and Inter-Islamic Inquiries,” as part of a recent Kitabkhana forum on Faiz Ahmed’s Afghanistan Rising. The piece provides a methodological reflection on Ahmed’s book by analyzing Indian Mufti Kifayatullah’s 1924 fatwa on the question of women’s education in Afghanistan. The essay is available in Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 41(2) (2021): 257–61.

Dr. Lhost also continues to work on a digital database project tied to the legal history of the Indian Princely States, which received a grant from the American Institute of Indian Studies Digital India Learning Initiative. This database, known as IP-SO-LHA (Indian Princely States Online Legal History Archive), is planning to launch the results of its first phase of work in Fall 2021. Dartmouth History students Matthew Krivan and Womsikuk James have been key contributors to project.

Announcement: Professor Douglas Haynes publishes new edited volume

History professor Douglas Haynes, along with co-editors Ajay Gandhi, Barbara Harriss-White, and Sabastian Schwecke have published a new edited volume called Rethinking Markets in Modern India: Embedded Exchange and Contested Jurisdiction with Cambridge University Press.

With contributions from David Rudner, Nikhil Rao, Projit Bihari Mukharji, Douglas E. Haynes, Sebastian Schwecke, Mekhala Krishnamurthy, Aditi Saraf, Andy Rotman, Ajay Gandhi, Matthew S. Hull, Roger Begrich, Barbara Harriss-White, and J. Jeyarangan the book is a rich addition to the literature on markets, capitalism, and exchange in South Asia.

The book description reads:

Book cover image. Market scene with sun in background. Cover at top. Peach colored.“To people operating in India’s economy, actually existing markets are remarkably different from how planners and academics conceive them. From the outside, they appear as demarcated arenas of exchange bound by state-imposed rules. As historical and social realities, however, markets are dynamic, adaptative, and ambiguous spaces. This book delves into this intricate context, exploring Indian markets through the competition and collaboration of those who frame and participate in markets. Anchored in vivid case studies – from colonial property and advertising milieus to today’s bazaar and criminal economies – this volume underlines the friction and interdependence between commerce, society, and state. Contributors from history, anthropology, political economy, and development studies synthesize existing scholarly approaches, add new perspectives on Indian capitalism’s evolution, and reveal the transactional specificities that underlie the real-world functioning of markets.”

Ritu Birla praises the book as follows:

Working across South Asian history and ethnography, this volume builds creatively on the existing literature on vernacular capitalism and market governance with rich data and diverse approaches to customary and underground transactions. Exploring finance, small-scale industry and agricultural commodities, as well as advertising, risk and trust, the essays delve deeply into the local contexts of market practice in India, productively reactivating debates on the temporalities, performatives and regulation of ‘the bazaar.’

— Ritu Birla, University of Toronto

and Thomas Blom Hansen writes:

India’s rise as an ‘emergent market’ in the global economy has prompted much hype around a ’new’ India. In this volume, anthropologists and historians of India demonstrate with great authority and insight that markets in India are old and deeply entrenched in complex social and cultural institutions. Anyone who wishes to understand the dynamism of contemporary Indian capitalism must understand such institutions and exchange relations and this volume will be a rich resource in this quest for scholars in many fields.

— Thomas Blom Hansen, Stanford University

Check out the publisher’s website to see the full table of contents and to read more advance praise for the volume.