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Director ディレクター紹介

Sachi Schmidt-Hori (シュミット堀佐知)

I am Associate Professor of Japanese Literature and Culture at the Interdisciplinary Program in Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages, Dartmouth College. My research interests include representations of gender, sexuality, social class, and corporeality in Heian and medieval Japanese prose fiction; kinship; and the relationship between the China/Japan dichotomy and gender. I have published Tales of Idolized Boys: Male-Male Love in Medieval Japanese Buddhist Narratives (University of Hawai’i Press, 2021), the first book-length study of medieval Buddhist acolyte tales, and several peer-reviewed articles, including “The Erotic Family: Structures and Narratives of Milk Kinship in Premodern Japanese Tales,” Journal of Asian Studies (2021). Born in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa, raised in Tokyo, immigrated to the US in 1999, I semi-accidentally became a scholar of Japanese literature during the 2010s (I am very grateful for this accident!). Since then, I have been in a rocky, love-hate relationship with the great challenge of teaching and writing about so-called “traditional” Japanese literature in one of the most “liberal” and “progressive” spaces in the world (i.e., the North American academia).

ダートマス大学アジア社会文化言語学部・准教授 (日本文学・日本文化)。専門は平安・中世の物語文学における性・社会階級・身体性の表象、親族関係、「和/漢」とジェンダーの関係など。著作に Tales of Tales of Idolized Boys: Male-Male Love in Medieval Japanese Buddhist Narratives [偶像/アイドル少年たちの物語: 日本の中世仏教文学における男色] (University of Hawai’i Press, 2021)や “The Erotic Family: Structures and Narratives of Milk Kinship in Premodern Japanese Tales” [疑似家族の性愛:日本古典文学に見られる乳母・乳母子・養君の表象]  Journal of Asian Studies (2021) 他。石川県金沢市に生まれ、5歳から大学卒業までを東京で過ごし、1999年渡米。「リベラル」で「進歩的」なアメリカのアカデミアで日本古典文学を教授・研究することの難しさと喜びを日々感じている。