Ortego, K., Addleman & Störmer, V. S. (2024). Early cortical sensitivity and speeded target selection underlie learned prioritization of visual features. | Preprint.
Özkan, M. Chapman, A. F & Störmer, V.S. (2024). Zooming in and out: Selective attention modulates color signals in early visual cortex for narrow and broad ranges of task-relevant features. | Preprint.
Chung, Y.H., Williams, L., Brady, T.F. & Störmer, V.S., (2024). Limits of verbal labels in cognition: Category labels do not improve visual working memory performance for obfuscated objects.| Preprint
Chung, Y.H., Shlipak, K., Störmer, V.S., (2024). Fluid intelligence correlates with working memory capacity for both real-world objects and simple-feature stimuli. | Preprint
Chung, Y.H., Anaya Sosa, N.C., Störmer, V.S., (2024). Testing location invariance of the flashed face distortion effect. | Preprint
Addleman, D. A., & Störmer, V. S. (2024). Learned attention proactively modifies sensitivity to visual features by enhancing targets and suppressing distractors. | Preprint
Williams, L., Störmer, V.S., Brady, T.F. (2023). The working memory advantage for meaningful stimuli persists under high levels of proactive interference. PsyArXiv. | Preprint.
Heller, N.H., Patel, N., Faustin, V.M., Tse, P.U., & Störmer, V.S. (2023). Neural correlates of stroboscopic stimulation to test a model of psychedelic hallucination. PsyArXiv. | Preprint
Strzelczyk, D. […], Chung, Y.H., Ortego, K., Störmer, V.S., […] (2023). Contralateral delay activity as a marker of visual working memory capacity: a multi-site registered replication. | Registered Report Stage 1, Cortex. | PDF
Journal articles
Ortego, K., & Störmer, V. S. (2024). Similarity in feature space dictates the efficiency of attentional selection during ensemble processing. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. | PDF | OSF Data/Analysis.
Sayed, K. & Störmer, V.S., (2024). Task-irrelevant inputs alter ensemble representations of faces within the spatial focus of attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. | PDF | OSF Data/Analysis.
Chapman, A. F., & Störmer, V. S. (2024). Target-distractor similarity predicts visual search efficiency but only for highly similar features. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. | PDF | OSF Data/Analysis.
Chung, Y.H., Brady, T.F., Störmer, V.S., (2024). Meaningfulness and familiarity expand visual working memory capacity. (Review). Current Directions in Psychological Science. | PDF
Özkan, M. & Störmer, V.S. (2024). When spatial attention cannot be divided: Quadrantic enhancement of early visual processing across task–relevant and irrelevant locations. Imaging Neuroscience. | PDF | OSF Data | Analysis Code.
Williams, J. & Störmer, V.S. (2024). Cutting through the noise: Auditory scenes and their effects on visual object processing. Psychological Science. | PDF | OSF Data/Analysis.
Addleman, D. A., Rajasingh, R., & Störmer, V. S. (2024). Attention to object categories: Selection history determines the breadth of attentional tuning during real-world object search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. | PDF | OSF Data/Analysis.
Chung, Y. H., Tam, J., Wyble, B. & Störmer, V. S. (2024). Conceptual information of meaningful objects is stored incidentally. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. | PDF | OSF Data/Analysis.
Chapman, A. F., & Störmer, V. S. (2024). Representational structures as a unifying framework for attention. Trends in Cognitive Science. | PDF
Chung, Y. H., Brady, T. F., & Störmer, V. S. (2023). Sequential encoding aids working memory for meaningful objects’ identities but not for their colors. Memory & Cognition, 1-13. | PDF | OSF Data/Stimuli/Analysis
Brady, T.F. & Störmer, V.S. (2023). Comparing memory capacity across stimuli requires maximally dissimilar foils: Using deep convolutional neural networks to understand visual working memory capacity for real-world objects. Memory & Cognition, 1-15. PDF | OSF Data/Stimuli/Analysis.
Itthipuripat S (อิทธิภูริพัฒน์ศิรวัจน์)., Phangwiwat, T., Wiwatphonthana, P., Sawetsuttipan, P., Chang, KU., Störmer, V.S., Woodman, G.F., and Serences, J.T. (2023) Dissociable neural mechanisms underlie the effects of attention on visual appearance and response bias. The Journal of Neuroscience. | PDF | OSF Data/Analysis.
Noonan, M. P., & Störmer, V. S. (2023). Contextual and Temporal Constraints for Attentional Capture. (Commentary on Theeuwes’ 2023 Review “The Attentional Capture Debate: When Can We Avoid Salient Distractors and when Not?”.) Journal of Cognition, 6, 1. | PDF
Saleki, S., & Chung, Y. H. (2023). Objects from Motion: Moving beyond Static Images with Object Kinematograms. The Journal of Neuroscience, 43(22), 3986-3988. (Journal Club; PDF)
Chung, Y. H., Brady, T. F., & Störmer, V. S. (2023). No Fixed Limit for Storing Simple Visual Features: Realistic Objects Provide an Efficient Scaffold for Holding Features in Mind. Psychological Science. | PDF | OSF Open Data/Analysis.
Chapman, A.F., Chunharas, C. & Störmer, V.S. (2023). Feature-based attention warps the perception of visual features. Scientific Reports. | open access link | OSF Data/Analysis.
Chung, Y. H., & Störmer, V. S. (2023). Unveiling the time course of visual stabilization through human electrophysiology. iScience. | open access link | Open Data/Analysis.
Chapman, A. F., & Störmer, V. S. (2023). Efficient tuning of attention to narrow and broad ranges of task-relevant feature values. Visual Cognition. | PDF | OSF Data Analysis.
Williams, J., Markov, Y., Tiurina, N., & Störmer, V.S. (2022). What you see is what you hear: Sounds alter the contents of visual perception. Psychological Science. | PDF | OSF Data/Analysis.
Addleman, D. A., & Störmer, V. S. (2022). Distractor ignoring is as effective as target enhancement when incidentally learned but not when explicitly cued. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. | PDF | OSF Data/Analysis.
Chapman, A.F., & Störmer, V.S. (2022). Feature similarity is non-linearly related to attentional selection: evidence from visual search and sustained attention tasks. Journal of Vision. | open access link | OSF Data/Analysis.
Wöstmann, M., Störmer, V. S., Obleser, J., Addleman, D. A., Andersen, S., Gaspelin, N., …
Theeuwes, J. (2022). Ten simple rules to study distractor suppression. Progress in Neurobiology. | PDF
Addleman, D.A., & Störmer, V.S. (2022). No evidence for proactive suppression. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. | PDF | OSF Data/Analysis.
Williams, J., Brady, T.F., & Störmer, V.S. (2022). Guidance of attention by working memory is a matter of representational fidelity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 48(3):202-231. | PDF
Brady, T.F. & Störmer, V.S. (2022). The role of meaning in visual working memory: Real-world objects, but not simple features, benefit from deeper processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. | PDF | OSF Data/Analysis/Stimuli.
Marin, A., Störmer, V. S., & Carver, L. J. (2021). Expectations about dynamic visual objects facilitates early sensory processing of congruent sounds. Cortex, 144, 198-211. | PDF | Open Data/Analysis.
Keefe, J. M., Pokta, E., Störmer, V.S. (2021). Cross-modal orienting of exogenous attention results in visual-cortical facilitation, not suppression. Scientific Reports. | open access link | OSF Data/Analysis.
Chapman, A.F. & Störmer, V.S. (2021). Feature-based attention is not confined by object boundaries: spatially global enhancement of irrelevant features. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. | PDF | OSF Data/Analysis.
Geweke, F., Pokta, E., & Störmer, V.S. (2021). Spatial distance of target locations affects the time course of both endogenous and exogenous attentional deployment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. | PDF | OSF Data/Analysis.
Asp, I.E., Störmer, V.S., & Brady, T.F. (2021). Greater visual working memory capacity for visually-matched stimuli when they are recognized as meaningful. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. | PDF | OSF Data/Analysis.
Williams, J. & Störmer, V.S. (2021). Working memory: How much is it used in natural behavior? (Dispatch on Draschkow, D., Kallmayer, M., and Nobre, A.C. (2021). When natural behaviour engages working memory.) Current Biology, 31, Feb. Issue.| PDF
Keefe, J.M. & Störmer, V.S. (2021). Lateralized alpha activity and slow potential shifts over visual cortex track the time course of both endogenous and exogenous orienting of attention. NeuroImage, 225, 117495. | PDF | OSF Data/Analysis.
Rimsky-Robert, D., Störmer, V.S., Sackur, J. & Sergent, C. (2019). Retrospective auditory cues can improve detection of near-threshold visual targets. Scientific Reports 9, 18966. | open access link
Amadeo, M.B., Störmer, V.S., Campus, C., & Gori, M. (2019). Peripheral sounds elicit stronger activity in contralateral occipital cortex in blind than sighted individuals. Scientific Reports, 9, 11637. | open access link
Störmer, V.S. (2019). Orienting spatial attention to sounds enhances visual processing. Current Opinion in Psychology, 29, 193-198. | PDF
Störmer, V.S., McDonald, J.J., & Hillyard, S.A. (2019). Involuntary orienting of attention to sight or sound relies on similar neural biasing mechanisms in early visual processing. Neuropsychologia, 132, 107122. | PDF
Störmer, V.S., Cohen, M.A. & Alvarez, G.A. (2019). Tuning attention to object categories: Spatially global effects of attention to faces in visual processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31(7), 937-947.| PDF
Brady, T. F., Alvarez, G. A. & Störmer, V.S. (2019). The role of meaning in visual memory: Face-selective brain activity predicts memory for ambiguous face stimuli. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(6), 1100-1108. | PDF
Long, B.L., Störmer, V.S., & Alvarez, G.A. (2017). Mid-level perceptual features contain early cues to animacy. Journal of Vision, 17(6), 1-20. | open access link
Feng, W., Störmer, V.S., Martinez, A., McDonald, J.J.,& Hillyard, S.A. (2017). Involuntary orienting of attention to sounds elicits lateralized blocking of the occipital alpha rhythm that predicts visual discrimination accuracy. NeuroImage, 150, 318-328. | PDF
Brady T.F., Störmer, V.S., & Alvarez, G.A. (2016). Working memory is not fixed capacity: More active storage capacity for real-world objects than simple stimuli. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 113, 7459-7464. |PDF
Störmer, V.S., & Alvarez, G.A. (2016). Attention alters perceived attractiveness. Psychological Science, 27(4), 563-571.| PDF
Störmer, V.S., Feng, W., Martinez, A., McDonald, J.J.,& Hillyard, S.A. (2016). Salient, irrelevant sounds reflexively induce alpha rhythm desynchronization in parallel with slow potential shifts in visual cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 28(3), 433-445. | PDF
Hillyard, S.A., Störmer, V.S., Feng, W., Martinez, A., & McDonald, J.J. (2015). Cross-modal orienting of visual attention. Neuropsychologia, 83, 170-178. | PDF
Störmer, V.S., & Alvarez, G.A. (2014). Feature-based attention elicits surround suppression in feature space. Current Biology, 24(17), 1985-1988. | PDF
Störmer, V.S., Alvarez, G.A., & Cavanagh, P. (2014). Within-hemifield competition in early visual areas limits the ability to track multiple objects with attention. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(35), 11526-11533. | PDF
Feng, W., Störmer, V.S., Martinez, A., McDonald, J.J.,& Hillyard, S.A. (2014). Sounds activate visual cortex and improve visual discrimination. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(29), 9817-9824. | PDF
Störmer, V.S., Eppinger, B., & Li, S.-C. (2014). Reward speeds up and increases consistency of visual selective attention: a lifespan comparison. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-13. | PDF
McDonald, J.J., Störmer, V.S., Martinez, A., Feng, W., & Hillyard, S.A. (2013). Salient sounds activate human visual cortex automatically. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(21), 9194-9201. | PDF
Störmer, V.S., Winther, G.N., Li, S.-C., & Andersen, S.K. (2013). Sustained multifocal attentional enhancement of stimulus processing in early visual areas predicts tracking performance. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(12), 5346-5351. | PDF
Störmer, V.S., Li, S.-C., Heekeren, H.R., Lindenberger, U. (2013). Normative shifts of cortical mechanisms of encoding contribute to adult age differences in visual-spatial working memory. NeuroImage, 73, 167-175. | PDF
Störmer, V.S., Li, S.-C., Heekeren, H.R., Lindenberger, U., (2013). Normal aging delays and compromises early multifocal visual attention during object tracking. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25(2), 188-202. | PDF
Störmer, V.S., Passow, S., Biesenack, J., Li, S.-C. (2012). Dopaminergic and cholinergic modulation of working memory and attention: insights from genetic research and implications for cognitive aging. Developmental Psychology, 48, 875-889. | PDF
Störmer, V.S., Li, S.-C., Heekeren, H.R., Lindenberger, U., (2011). Feature-based interference from unattended visual field during attentional tracking in younger and older adults. Journal of Vision, 11, 1-12. | open access link
Gaschler, R., Mata, J., Störmer, V.S., Kühnel, A., & Bilalic, M. (2010). Change detection for new food labels. Food Quality and Preference, 21, 140-147. | PDF
Störmer, V.S., McDonald, J.J., & Hillyard, S.A. (2009). Cross-modal cueing of attention alters appearance and early cortical processing of visual stimuli. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 106, 22456-22461. | PDF
Störmer, V.S., Green, J.J., & McDonald, J.J. (2009). Tracking the voluntary control of auditory spatial attention with event-related brain potentials. Psychophysiology, 46, 357-366. | PDF
Book chapters
Brady, T.F., Störmer, V.S., Shafer-Skelton, A., Williams, J.R., Chapman, A.F., Schill, H. (2019). Scaling up visual attention and visual working memory to the real world. Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 70. | PDF
McDonald, J.J., Green, J.J., Störmer, V.S., & Hillyard, S.A. (2012). Cross-modal spatial cueing of attention influences visual perception. In M.M. Murray & M.T. Wallace (Eds.), Frontiers in the Neural Basis of Multisensory Processes, CRC Press. (p. 509-528).
McDonald, J. J., Whitman, J., Störmer, V. S., & Hillyard, S. A. (2013). Involuntary cross-modal spatial attention influences visual perception. Invited chapter for Mangun, G. R. (ed.), Cognitive electrophysiology of attention: Signals of the mind.