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Belt Testing

At the end of every term, we host a belt test for colored belts to allow our members to demonstrate all that they have learned so far. This is a great opportunity to reward our members for all the hard work they put in and to recognize their achievements.

For a belt test, members complete a general fitness portion to warm up, while counting in Korean. Then, they perform the poomsae form necessary for their new belt, as well as all previous poomsaes. Finally, they spar with either another person testing or a black belt. Thus, the belt test is a great way to determine a wide range of the member's skill and knowledge.

A group of prospective yellow belts perform the poomsae portion of their 19F Belt Test

"I joined the club as a white belt and tested for a yellow belt at the end of my first term. The belt test is an incredibly rewarding experience because we get to show and celebrate the skills we’ve been practicing throughout the whole term. And we get a cool new belt! I love that DTKD gives us something tangible to work for and reward our progress. I am very proud to have gotten my yellow belt, and look forward to being able to work towards higher belts in the coming years!" --Catherine Gorman '23