WIB Mentorship Program
The WIB Mentoring Program pairs underclassmen women with upperclassmen who share similar career goals and interests who serve as advisors and role models. WIB mentoring pairs and families meet throughout the term to discuss career readiness, job searches, questions about Dartmouth, and more. Mentors are assigned to members of WIB on a term by term basis.
20W Mentors:
Natalie Garcia
Co – President
Major: Engineering Modified with Economics
Hometown: Garden City, NY
Internships: JP Morgan Investment Banking Real Estate Group (Incoming), Palm Drive Venture Capital Intern, Trepp Systems Intern (Real Estate FinTech Coding Intern); Morgan Stanley Freshman Enhancement Program
Campus Involvements: Alpha Phi, Club Field Hockey, Thayer Tour Guide, Society of Women Engineers, Economics Tutor
Areas of Expertise: Investment Banking, Navigating finance recruiting, connecting with alumni
Erika Ogino
Co – President
Major: Computer Science Modified with Mathematics
Minor: French and International Studies
Hometown: London, UK
Internships: Operations intern at Brighter (technology company in Santa Monica, CA);Researcher at Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer’s Disease and the Aging Brain in New York; Incoming Associate consultant intern at Bain and company in NYC
Campus Involvements: WIB,TA for CS1, Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority, Smart Women Securities, Rockefeller Global Leadership Program, Dartmouth Professional Insight Network, DartMUN
Areas of Expertise: Corporate recruiting process, case interviews, switching/ adapting premed/ tech to business
Laura Walk
Vice President of Corporate Relations
Major: Economics
Minors: Spanish and Environmental Studies
Hometown: Tucson, AZ
Internships: eCommerce consulting at boutique consultancy FitForCommerce, and investment management at special opportunities firm Atalaya Capital Management; Incoming Private Equity Group at Goldman Sachs.
Campus Involvements: Executive of Smart Women Securities, Director of Humans of Dartmouth photography project, and Philanthropy Chair of Alpha Phi sorority.
Areas of Expertise: Taking sophomore winter off; recruiting / interviews; connecting with upperclassmen
Roshni Dugar
Vice President of Growth and Partnerships
Major: Government
Minor: Human Centered Design
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Internships: Intern at WPromote (Marketing); Intern at 270 Strategies (Strategy/Political Consulting); Intern at Volition Capital (Venture Capital and Growth Equity); Incoming Intern at Bain & Company
Campus Involvements: The Dartmouth Project Manager (on Product Development team)
Areas of Expertise: Consulting/case-based interviews, cover letters, finding a freshman internship
Angelina Choi
Major: Psychology and Environmental Studies
Hometown: Athens, GA
Internships: Incoming Summer Analyst at Brown Advisory; Advertising at Hulu; Business Marketing at GlobePoint, Inc.; International Communications Coordinator at Seoul Metropolitan Institute for Lifelong Education
Campus Involvements: Ujima Dance Troupe – director; Kappa Kappa Gamma – exec board; WIB; Korean Students Association; IvyCORPS/Ivy Council
Areas of Expertise: Recruiting/interview process; Making the most out of your internship; Finding opportunities when you don’t know what you want to do
Michelle Yao
Major: Mathematics and Economics
Hometown: Acton, MA
Internships: Goldman Sachs Investment Banking (Technology, Media and Telecom), Morgan Stanley Fixed Income Sales & Trading, Fiduciary Trust Company
Campus Involvements: UGA, Economics Research Scholars (DERS). Undergrad Finance Committee (UFC), Inter-Sorority Council (ISC)
Areas of Expertise: Taking sophmore summer off, Inter-bank mobility, S&T vs. IBD
Isabella Pesavento (note: off this term but still willing to take mentees and talk via skype/phone)
Major: Economics
Minor: Biology
Hometown: Columbus, OH
Internships: Incoming Summer Analyst at Bain Capital Credit; Winter Finance Analyst at United Retirement Plan Consultants
Campus Involvements: Presidential Scholars Research Program, Club Field Hockey, The Handel Society choir, Alpha Phi New Member Educator
Areas of Expertise: Business vs. Pre-medicine, Tuck Bridge, private equity’s case study interview preparation, resume review
Muna Momah
Major: Economics
Hometown: Farmington, CT
Internships: Past: CT Wealth Management, Morgan Stanley Freshman Enhancement Program, Morgan Stanley Global Capital Markets; Incoming Associate Consultant at Bain & Company
Campus Involvements: Alpha Phi, Teaching Assistant in the Economics Department, Junior Research Scholar, Former WIB Treasurer, Former Freshman UGA
Areas of Expertise: Consulting, capital markets/finance