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NISO virtual conferences and webinars will be streamed live this year whenever possible. Archived recordings will be added to the Library's Webinars List wiki page.

The schedule of events is listed below. Detailed agendas can be found on the NISO website. Please contact Shaun Akhtar with any questions.

Virtual Conferences

All virtual conference screenings take place in the Baker 11 conference room on Wednesdays between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.

  • February 17: Using Open Source in Your Institution
  • April 20: Justifying the Library - Using Assessment to Justify Library Investments
  • June 15: BIBFRAME & Real World Applications of Linked Bibliographic Data
  • August 31: Data Curation - Cultivating Past Research Data for Future Consumption
  • October 5: E-Books
  • December 7: Making Certain Digital Content is Preserved: Archiving Digital Resources

Training Thursdays

Training Thursdays take place between 1 and 2:30 p.m.

  • February 25: GitHub - How to Use it to Greatest Effect [in Baker 152]
  • April 28: Making Assessment Work: Using ORCIDs to Improve Your Institutional Assessments [in Baker 152]
  • September 8: Emerging Tools to Improve Management of Data [location TBA]


All webinar screenings take place in the Baker 152 conference room on Wednesdays between 1 and 2:30 p.m.

  • February 10: The Start Up Effect - How Startups are Changing the Culture of Scholarly Communications
  • NISO Two-Part Webinar: Privacy
    • March 16: Part 1: What Data is Being Collected and By Whom?
    • March 23: Part 2: Understanding Privacy Policies
  • April 13: Supporting Women & Minorities in Technology
  • May 11: Supporting Research On Your Campus
  • June 8: Integrating Library Management Systems
  • August 10: How Librarians Use, Implement, and Can Support Researchers Identifiers
  • NISO Two-Part Webinar: Managing an Open Access World
    • September 7: Part 1: Open Access & Acquisitions
    • September 14: Part 2: Compliance with Funder Mandates
  • October 19: Internet of Things
  • NISO Two-Part Webinar: Digital Security
    • November 9: Part 1: Securing Library Systems
    • November 16: Part 2: Protecting Library Resources from Piracy
  • December 14: Make it at the Library: How Does Technology Support Makerspaces?