Author Archives: Joanna

SCUP Conference

Arthur Lidsky of Dober Lidsky Mathey and I presented the following deck at SCUP-51 in Chicago.  

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Diversity and Inclusion

From the Ad Council:

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A New Bollard for Campus?

At the monthly landscape committee meeting last week, we reviewed the myriad of materials and features found on campus. There are more than 42 different types of bollards. I saw this one last night in Ottawa’s Confederation Park. Might be … Continue reading

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“Moments of Warmth” on a Snowy February Day

A friend who knows of my interest in transit and Canada shared this link. Wouldn’t it be fun to do a bus shelter like this at Dartmouth? This is not intended to promote Duracell.

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Occom Pond Party Preparations

A number of volunteers gathered today to prepare for the Occom Pond Party & Dartmouth’s Winter Carnival next weekend. “Heroes & Villains” is the theme. Under the able direction of Bill Young, snow was piled for sculptures, and ice blocks … Continue reading

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Taking Down West Stands

Here’s a great time lapse video of the West Stands coming down. The replacement stands will be ready for a big crowd in September 2015.

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Another playable campus idea

Here’s another  fun idea for the campus. And if it can be installed in Montreal, it seems like it could survive Hanover’s environment.

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Playable Campus?

Playable City ideas – like Bristol’s water slide or its temporary play streets – are a human response to the coldness and anonymity of the urban environment. How could we promote a more “Playful Campus?” How about a giant slip … Continue reading

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New Windows at the Hop

One of the three summer projects on the south side of the Green is the replacement of the windows at the Hop. The work began last month and will wrap up in September.

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Wanted: Ideas for Residential Communities

Come share your wisdom at Common Ground this afternoon. It’s fun and there’s free food!

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