Evolution, Games, and God: The Principle of Cooperation
Dana Library
QH360.5 .E965 2013
Spark From the Deep: How Shocking Experiments with Strongly Electric Fish Powered Scientific Discovery
Dana Library
QL639.1 .T87 2013
Frankenstein’s Cat: Cuddling Up to Biotech’s Brave New Beasts
Dana Library
QH442.6 .A58 2013
Alexander Wilson: The Scot who Founded American Ornithology
Dana Library
QL31.W7 B87 2013
What Doctors Feel: How Emotions affect the Practice of Medicine
Matthews-Fuller Library
R727.3 .O364 2013
Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations
Matthews-Fuller Library
RA971 D78 2013
The Hastings Center Guidelines for Decisions on Life-Sustaining Treatment and Care Near the End of Life
Matthews-Fuller Library
R726 B45 2013