Dr. Wan-go Weng, the 95-years-old great-great-grandson of Weng Tonghe (1830-1904) and the most illustrious collector and connoisseur of Chinese art currently outside China, is reading Prof. Huang Dun’s poem manuscripts in the main hall of Baker Library at Dartmouth. 翁同龢(1830-1904)的五世孙、九十五岁高龄的翁万戈博士,正在达慕思大学贝克图书馆主厅品读黄惇教授的诗稿。翁万戈先生是当今海外最重要的中国文物收藏家与鉴赏家。
Dr. Wan-go Weng in front of the Heart Sutra in five scripts written by Prof. Xing Wen. 翁万戈博士与Keene State College的中国史专家。
Dartmouth students are visiting the calligraphy exhibition. 达大师生在参观书展。(Photo摄影: Laura Barrett)
Prof. Shi Fenru is reading 4th century B.C.E. Chu scripts while Prof. James Dorsey is signing the guest book. 史芬茹教授在读战国楚文字,唐璋沐教授在留言。
Prof. Xing Wen is introduced to Mr. Tegegnework Gettu, Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, and Ambassador Liu Jieyi, Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of the P. R. China to the United Nations, by Vice President Xie Weihe of Tsinghua University to present the exhibition of “Chinese Classics Inscribed on Bamboo Slips: The Tsinghua Bamboo Manuscripts and Early Chinese Civilization” in the United States Headquarters in New York. (Photo: Jia Lianxiang. From the right to the left: Ambassador Liu Jieyi, Deputy Secretary General Gettu, Chairman of Tsinghua University Council Professor Hu Heping, Vice President Xie Weihe, and Prof. Xing Wen) 清华大学谢维和副校长向联合国副秘书长盖图、中国常驻联合国代表刘结一大使介绍邢文教授,讲解于纽约联合国总部举办的《写在竹简上的中国经典——清华简与中国古代文明》展览。(摄影:贾连翔;自右往左:中国常驻联合国代表刘结一大使、联合国副秘书长盖图、清华大学校务委员会主任胡和平教授、清华大学副校长谢维和教授、达慕思大学邢文教授)