Chinese Calligraphy and Manuscript Art Starting on Friday, August 30

Thanks to the Education and Outreach Program of Dartmouth College Library and in particular, the exhibition designer Dennis Grady, Chinese Calligraphy and Manuscript Art will be on display in the main hall of Baker Library on August 30, Friday. The following selected calligraphy works of the Heart Sutra in five scripts, i.e., seal, clerical, standard, cursive and running scripts, were written by the exhibition curator, Dr. Wen Xing, Robert 1932 and Barbara Black Professor in Asian Studies at Dartmouth.

Xinjing XW

Transcriptions (from the right to the left) 释文(从右往左):

1. Seal Script: “Form is empty; emptiness is form.” 篆书:“色即是空,空即是色。”
2. Clerical Script: “In emptiness there is no form, sensation, cognition, formation, or awareness.” 隶书:“空中无色,无受想行识。”
3. Standard Script: “Cross beyond all suffering and affliction.” 楷书:“度一切苦厄。”
4. Cursive Script: “Keep far away from distorted dream-thinking.” 草书:“远离颠倒梦想。”
5. Running Script: “Having no impediments in his mind, he has no fear.” 行书:“无挂碍故无有恐怖。”
6. Background: The complete text of the Heart Sutra in standard script (68″ x 27.5″). 背景作品为大楷《心经》全文(173 cm x 70 cm)。
