Wow! Your Friends Who Finished Eating Wasted Ten More Minutes At Foco Just For You!

In an act of selfless generosity, your friends decided to stay with you at Foco despite having just finished their meals. Although the upstairs seating was your last resort after failing to find anyone downstairs, you were relieved to find those people you respond to on Canvas discussions sometimes in a booth. Their empty plates made you worry that they were on their way out, but lucky for you these were no ordinary bystanders. Despite how inconvenient it is to spend time with you, even under normal circumstances, these selfless souls decided to protect your fragile ego and keep you company!

“Even though we all had packed schedules today, I’m really proud of us for doing the right thing,” said your dear friend whose name you can’t seem to remember, but she helped you with the washing machine that one time so she’s cool. “Dartmouth is all about community, so why shouldn’t we strive to support the less fortunate?”

The meal proved to be a fruitful intellectual exchange, featuring riveting questions like “where are you from?” and “what other classes are you taking?” Even though you took your time cutting up your pizza into small, manageable pieces, your peers patiently awaited your every bite. And, although it was difficult to part with everyone at the end, they gave you a bittersweet “see ya” on the way out, surely tinged with the promise that this was the beginning of several beautiful friendships. 

Another friend of yours, Alex–or was it Adrian? Andy. Wait no it was definitely An…umm…the one with the red backpack. Yes, him. He humbly admitted that “honestly, it wasn’t that big of a deal. I was perfectly content just watching the sauce on my plate dry up for a bit.” 

Washing Machine Girl commented that today’s events were “truly humbling”, adding that “although charity is hard work, there’s always something to be learned.” She looks forward to talking all about her time with you at the next Dartmouth Rotaract meeting. Thanks to your plight, she’s become “a wiser, kinder, and ten-minute-older person.”

– LA ’25

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