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So You’re Going to Rob A Bank

So you’ve decided to rob a bank. Congratulations. You made a lot of sacrifices getting here. You probably cut eyeholes in a sock. Watched your friend’s copy of Snatch because “dude it’s so good you’re…

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Failed Dartmouth College Mascots

Are you disappointed in the Big Green or the Dartmouth Indian? Do you think they’re the worst mascots ever? Well, they’re not – Dartmouth has always had difficulty coming up with non-offensive, concrete mascots! Here…

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Famous Books as Video Games

MacBeth: A classic sidescroller. Battle Scotland’s foes in Elizabethan warfare as you gain levels: army general, Thane of Cawdor, and—if you have the skill—King of Scotland. Tap A quickly to stave of guilt and battle…

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The Frog and the Polar Bear

Once upon a time, there was a frog and a polar bear. No, they didn’t live in the jungle or near a temperate pond; a polar bear could never survive there. No, they didn’t live…