The Valley News reported the following in Sunday’s paper “Dartmouth Puts Pressure on Parkers” August 23, 1984:
“Hanover – A steep increase in parking fees at Dartmouth College has upset some employees. the parking fee increase announced in a memo earlier this month, will more than double the cost of parking for service empoyees from $30 to $72 a year. Faculty and higher level administrators will pay $120, up from $84.”
Dartmouth has not raised parking fees since 1984. If rates had been annually adjusted for inflation, faculty and administrators would be paying about $250 a year in 2009 instead of $120. Town of Hanover employees pay $540 a year for parking adjacent to their downtown office or park for free at Thompson Arena. Those downtown employees looking for covered parking at the town’s parking garage may pay $1,440 annually. Parking isn’t so cheap anymore.