The Town of Hanover has a new & improved website with the ability to sign up for town updates, Selectboard minutes and agendas and other happenings. I received the following message today. Some day soon we hope to have good technology and communication from the Planning and Design office.
“Since the fall, contractors for Dartmouth College, in close communication with our Department of Public Works, have been managing a project on Lebanon Street to bury the overhead utility lines, which will enable the removal of the unsightly wires and seven overburdened utility poles along the front of the new Visual Arts Center and the back of the Hopkins Center.Over the month of February, workers from Fairpoint, National Grid, Comcast, and other utility companies will be pulling wires through the buried conduits, with a goal of removing overhead wires and taking down the poles in early April.
While we hope that there will be minimal disruptions, it is possible that the work will interfere with parking along Lebanon Street. There will be a road crossing on Friday night, February 3, that may impact traffic around the Post Office.
Please drive carefully, follow signs and police instructions, and be aware of the proximity of construction crews and wires to the roadway and sidewalks.”