Collis is renovating!

Collis Center is undergoing major renovations this winter.  The Collis Café is getting a facelift and the building is getting a new heating and cooling system.  As of 7th January, only part of the first floor and basement will be open.

collis cafe renovation

collis cafe renovation

Collis Common Ground and Room 101 will serve as the temporary dining facility. Collis Market and One Wheelock will remain open.  Offices located on the 2nd and 3rd floor Collis have been moved to temporary locations nearby (please see information below).

The renovated space will reopen by the end of March 2013. We will post updates and pictures pertaining the renovation regularly here at our blog, facebook and twitter page. Please check back often!


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  1. Pingback: A minor NCAC update and other information :: Dartmo.

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