find out more about the invisible bike helmet here.
Pushing the boundaries of the Workplace
Google’s East Coast headquarters is an unorthodox workplace with lavish perks that is meant to encourage creativity.
Click to NYT article.
![The line between work and living space is not always distinct. This communal office is designed to look like a studio apartment. Credit: Karsten Moran for The New York Times](
The line between work and living space is not always distinct. This communal office is designed to look like a studio apartment.
Credit: Karsten Moran for The New York Times
Dartmouth Orozco’s Murals named New National Historic Landmark
The National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis announced 13 newly designated National Historic Landmarks yesterday, including our very own The Epic of American Civilization Murals done by José Clemente Orozco during the early 20th century. The murals were conceived as a representation of a North American continent characterized by the duality of indigenous and European historical experiences. (Read Dartmouth Now)
Thanks to the many people that helped to make the designation possible: Peter Michaud, Coordinator from New Hampshire’s Division of Historical Resources who contacted us early January 2012, Roger Reed, Historian from National Register of Historic Places, National Historic Landmarks who wrote the nomination, Dartmouth Professor Mary Coffey who testified in DC in support of the nomination and the Honorable Senator Jeanne Shaheen for her letter of support. Continue reading
[Zim]Ride together to the airport or the city!
This Spring break, save $$$ commuting and make friends with 2453 Zimriders at Dartmouth!
Did you know? Ride-sharing requests in Zimride hit total of 93 during November’s Thanksgiving break! Most requests are from passengers heading to Manchester and Logan Airport or to Boston and New York!
If you are driving to the above locations anyway, why not offer a ride and split cost with your fellow Dartmouth colleagues and friends? Simply post your ride at:
Need a ride? Add your ride as a passenger and get where you need to go.
Can’t find a ride? Search your rides by selecting “All network” to find public postings
from your local area! (Zimride Vermont has 870 users since its November launch!)
Postcard from UVLSRPC
Make your voice heard! share at
New Eco-Activism Lecture on March 6 at Norwich University
Interesting lecture on March 6th. Speaker, Neri Oxman, is an Assistant Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at MIT. Her bio could be found here.
In Progress: Dartmouth Organic Farm Master Plan
In November 2012, the College kicked-off a planning process for the Dartmouth Organic Farm at the Fullington property. Proposals were solicited from five firms. Maclay Architects were selected by the project’s steering committee. Numerous listening sessions were held with the steering committee, student groups, faculty, staff and other community members to learn how the property is currently used and how we might envision using the farm for teaching, research and other activities into the future. Please click on the gallery to look at the site analyses and concepts for the property (click full size view for better details).
- Activities and Experience diagram
- Activities and Experience Gradient Map
- Circulation
- Vegetation
- Terrain & Hydrography
- Soils
- Site Analysis
- Mind Map
- Regional Concept
Continue reading
Emerging Technologies’ impact on Higher Education
The tenth edition describes annual findings from the NMC Horizon Project, a decade-long research project designed to identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have an impact on learning, teaching, and creative inquiry in higher education. Six emerging technologies are identified across three adoption horizons over the next one to five years, as well as key trends and challenges expected to continue over the same period, giving campus leaders and practitioners a valuable guide for strategic technology planning.
Is your Rain Garden safe?
Rain gardens and similar environmentally friendly stormwater infrastructure are being embraced worldwide because they do their job so well. They sponge up polluted runoff, keeping the foul chemicals out of the places that are home to beloved wildlife and where people like to play and fish.
The worry is that these same, very efficient rain gardens that are cropping up in our parking strips and front yards are doing their job so well that they could become residential toxic sites. But in fact are they? Not according to the research that’s available.(Read more)