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Common Veterinary School Prerequisites

Below is a list of the Dartmouth courses that best correspond to many veterinary prerequisites. While these are common prerequisites, every veterinary school has slightly different requirements that can be found on the schools website.

2 semesters general bio with lab
- Bio 12/19 + Bio 13 (most common route)
- Bio 14/15/16 + Bio 13
*Can mix and match any 2 of these but many schools do require genetics (Bio 13)            1 semester microbiology with lab 
- Bio 46
*Not all schools require microbiology and not all require the lab portion

2 semesters general chemistry with lab
- Chem 5/6 or honors equivalent
2 semesters organic chemistry with lab
- Chem 51/52 or honors equivalent                                                                             *Not all schools require both organic chemistry courses                                                        1 semester biochemistry (lab not required)
- Bio 40 or Chem 41

2 semesters physics with lab
- Physics 3/4 or 13/14 or 15/16
1 semester calculus
- Math 3 or higher
1 semester statistics
- any of the stats courses in any of the departments

2 semesters English composition/writing intensive courses
- Writing 5 + first year seminar
2 semesters social and behavioral sciences
- psychology, sociology, anthropology, government, economics
2 semesters humanities and fine arts
- literature, music, art, history, philosophy, religion, foreign language

Animal Specific courses                                                                                                               -Animal nutrition, zoology, animal anatomy                                                                     *Not offered at Dartmouth but only certain schools require it and currently they all accept taking it online