Document Delivery Hits Milestone!

Christopher CurtisDid you watch the clock this past New Year’s Eve for the switch from 23:59:59 in the year 2011 to 00:00:00 in the year 2012?

Well, something similar was taking place among the Dartmouth College Libraries’ Resource Sharing staff in the past couple weeks.

On February 27, 2012,  at 10:58 AM, Christopher Curtis at the Dana Biomedical Library processed document delivery transaction number (TN) 500,000!

Every day library staff work together to get information to our patrons from other institutions, and send information from our collection to other libraries and institutions worldwide.  We want to thank everyone involved for their hard work in keeping this process running smoothly.

A special thanks to Ron Chabot for rallying the countdown to TN 500,000 with a contest among his Resource Sharing colleagues!  Chris Curtis not only processed the ‘winning’ request, he was closest in guessing the actual day and time (only less than 3 days off!).  Next stop—TN 1,000,000!  Ron’s calculation: 8 years, 8 months, and 18 days!

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