Changing the Face of Medicine: An Exhibition Honoring the Lives and Achievements of Women in Medicine

Discover the many ways that women have influenced and enhanced the practice of medicine.

The individuals featured here provide an intriguing glimpse of the broader community of women doctors who are making a difference.

The National Library of Medicine is pleased to present this exhibition honoring the lives and accomplishments of these women in the hope of inspiring a new generation of medical pioneers.

When:  Opening reception August 2nd, 5:30pm to 7:00pm.  The exhibit will be on display through August 12, 2012.
 Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, South Mall on the 3rd floor down the stairs from the parking garage entrance across from the pharmacy. 

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Of Temples, Tea and Traders: Photography Exhibit at Dana Library

Mort Wise Photo from India

The photographs of Mort Wise will be on display at the Dana Biomedical Library from July 1st through the end of September 2012 in the library’s quiet reading area. The photographs are from Mort’s recent trip to India beginning in Chennai on the east coast and concluding in Mumbai on the Arabian Sea. Please come and see these beautiful, colorful photographs!

Reception: Wednesday, July 25 from 4:30 – 6:00 pm

Dana Library’s summer hours are:
Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 9:00pm
Friday – 8:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday – 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sunday – 1:00pm – 9:00pm
Click here for additional information on hours
Or call 603-650-1658

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Biomedical Goes Musical

Marilyn Milham and the Glitz Ensemble have created the Liberace Piano, one of the 50 Hands On Pianos scattered across the Upper Valley. The Liberace Piano is on display at King Arthur Bakery’s outside patio on Route 5 in Norwich until July 31. The Glitz Ensemble is made up of several Biomedical Libraries staff, including: Marilyn Milham, Susan Jorgensen, Owen McDowell, Danelle Sims, and Don Fitzpatrick, with the help of a few of Marilyn’s other friends: Mary Ellen Rigby, Dana Hanson, and Louise Moon. Susan came up with the Liberace theme and Marilyn and her crew took off from there, including painting, gluing of rhinestone, solar lights, and solar candelabra, as well as glitzy fabrics for back of piano and piano seat. We all enjoyed ourselves to the nines!

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New Books in the Biomedical Libraries – July 2012

Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition
Matthews-Fuller Library
QP141 .W458 2012

Alcohol: Its History, Pharmacology, and Treatment

Matthews-Fuller Library
HV5015 .R67 2011

Informed Consent: A Primer for Clinical Practice

Matthews-Fuller Library
R724 .B645 2012

Lewin’s Essential Genes

Dana Library
QH 430/L4/2013

The Retina: An Approachable Part of the Brain

Dana Library
QP479 .D65 2012

How Vision Works: The Psychological Mechanisms Behind What We See

Dana Library
QP475 .D347 2012

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Art Exhibit at Matthews-Fuller Library

Detzer artworkStarting July 5th until the end of September, the Matthews-Fuller Health Sciences Library at DHMC will feature art by Kathy Detzer.  Please stop by and enjoy!

“I have always loved art in all its forms. This series was completed in the studio and reflects my work as a graphic designer.  I love to experiment with color and many of these pieces feature a colorful “frame within a frame”. I take photos or sketches of any particular subject that moves me and bring those inspirational beginnings to the studio and go from there. I choose my palette depending on how I want to use color for the piece and paint on lightly sanded color paper, which holds the pastel best. I studied design in college and worked as a graphic designer for many years. I have painted murals and have an interest in children’s illustration which is evident in my compositions. The rich colors I use reflect my feelings about the subject matter and I find myself inspired simply by color, form and light.”
– Kathryn Detzer

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Summer Reading & Book Exchange

book exchange summer readingLooking for something fun to read this summer? Want to take a break from your studying or grant writing? Look for the “Book Exchange” shelves at both Dana Library and the Matthews-Fuller Library. We offer a variety of donated books, including popular fiction titles, non-fiction, occasional movies, and childrens’ books. We invite you to take a book with you — no need to check the book out at the Circulation Desk. You can return it whenever you’d like, replace it with a different book, or keep it! We also welcome your donations to the collection. Simply drop off a book or two with the Circulation Desk, and we will make sure it gets on the shelf.

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Dana Library Books: Making Way for the New

As you may have heard, the Dana Biomedical Library is scheduled to come down, along with Gilman, early in 2013 in order to make way for a new building to house the library, Geisel administration, TDI, TDC, and two social sciences departments.  During the construction period, the library’s staff and study spaces will be at 37 Dewey Field and the collections will be housed offsite.  We’ll be in touch with more details later.

In preparation, we are beginning a freshening up of the Dana Biomedical Library’s book collection – we’re clearing out dated, duplicative, superseded, and unused material in order to make the newer material more visible and easily browsed when we move into the new building in 2016.  

Books designated for weeding will be pulled and shelved in Dana’s first floor Quinn Room. They will be held there for four weeks before being processed for discard.  During this time you are welcome to review our selections and ask us to keep titles you believe are still of value to research or the curriculum at Dartmouth/DHMC.  (You may also ask that a discarded book be made available to you for your personal collection.)  A list of books slated for discard will also be posted on the Biomedical Libraries web at, along with instructions for making comment.

New discard selections will be added weekly, so check often if you are interested.  This weeding project will likely continue for quite some time.

If you have questions, please contact Peggy Sleeth, Associate Director/Information Resources.


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New look for PsycINFO!

PsycINFO, an index of the literature in psychology and related disciplines, is moving to a new search interface – ProQuest.  You can view it now at  The former CSA search interface will go away shortly.  The database itself remains the same – what’s changing is the look and some of the searching mechanics.  However, if you had a saved search in the old interface you will need to re-do it in the new system.

For a summary of the changes, see the guide prepared by the James P. Adams Library at Rhode Island College at

For help using PsycINFO, talk to one of our Biomedical Librarians.  See for contact information.

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Do you use INSPEC?

The Dartmouth College Library is evaluating our subscription to the physics-engineering-computer science database, INSPEC.  Please take a moment to respond to our quick survey here:

We appreciate your feedback!

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Librarians Attend Annual Medical Library Association Meeting

Laura Cousineau, Tom Mead, and Cindy Stewart, librarians from the Biomedical Libraries, recently attended the annual meeting of the Medical Library Association (MLA). The conference was located in Seattle, WA, from May 18-23. The meeting provided opportunities to hear interesting and thought-provoking speakers, such as Steven Johnson (author of seven books, including Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation and The Invention of Air: A Story of Science, Faith, Revolution, and the Birth of America) and T.R. Reid (reporter, documentary film correspondent, and frequent guest on NPR). The MLA annual conference allows Biomedical Libraries librarians to find out what librarian colleagues in other medical and health sciences libraries are doing at their institutions, as well as meet with a variety of vendors from the world of publishing, medical and scientific e-resources, and much more.

Karen Odato, Research and Education Librarian for the Biomedical Libraries, participated in the conference as a co-instructor for the continuing education course, “Searching in Support of Systematic Reviews.”

Founded in 1898, MLA is a nonprofit, educational organization of more than 1,100 institutions and 3,600 individual members in the health information field.

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