Black in Immuno Week

Sunday November 22nd through Saturday November 28th!

What is Black in Immuno?

Black in Immuno is an international platform created by a collective of Black immunologists and allies aimed at amplifying, celebrating, and supporting Black voices in immunology. Through the inaugural Black In Immuno Week and the longer-term platform, the Black In Immuno Hub, they aim to:

  1. Showcase and amplify the scientific contribution of Black Immunologists.
  2. Encourage connections among Black researchers and science professionals in immunology and related fields.
  3. Create a supportive and inclusive community for Black scientists around the world.
  4. Connect Black students and professionals with resources and job opportunities in immunology and related fields

The Department of Microbiology & Immunology, the CF Training Grant, DartCF, bioMT, and the Immunology & Cancer Immunotherapy Program, are enthusiastic sponsors!

In addition to this week’s activities you can also listen to a great discussion with the co-founders on the TWiV spin-off podcast, Immune.

Black In Immuno Week highlights:

Throughout the week there will be TED-style talks from rising stars in Immunology including senior grad students and postdocs soon-to-be on the job market.

*Friday Nov 27th: Outreach, intersectionality and advocacy

This day will be social media based and will focus on sharing individual advocacy efforts at respective institutions and companies. This should be a great place to get ideas of how we can support these efforts at Dartmouth. Follow via Twitter @BlackInImmuno

Click here for the full list of events and registrations

Questions? Contact Pam Rosato, Ph.D.

Please spread the word!