bioMT Pilot Project Program
2023 bioMT Pilot Project Program RFP (Closed)
The COBRE Institute for Biomolecular Targeting (bioMT) requests proposals for pilot projects relating to its theme: the identification, validation, or development of molecular targets associated with human disease. Two types of proposals will be accepted: 1) mentored junior-faculty projects; and 2) interdisciplinary projects. Proposals for either mechanism should capitalize on the use of bioMT core resources ( For interdisciplinary projects, we are particularly interested in proposals that could lead to the submission of a P01 or other multi-project application.
- Mentored junior faculty: maximum of $50K/year for 2 years
- Interdisciplinary projects: maximum of $100/year for 2years
- Full Proposals due: Friday, June 30, 2023 (by 5:00 PM)
- Target date to start (subject to NIGMS approval): January 1st, 2024
The PI must hold a tenure-track/tenured or independent research-track appointment at the rank of assistant, associate, or full professor in the Faculty of Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, or the Thayer School of Engineering, or an AMS-line appointment at Geisel. Applicants may not have other research project support from an IDeA Program award. Junior-faculty project PIs may not have tenure, and must identify a senior faculty mentor. Preference may be given to early-stage candidates without prior research project awards (e.g., R01, NSF, or foundation funding; except for pilot or career-development awards). Interdisciplinary projects must include faculty from distinct disciplines and propose work that would engage the Molecular Tools Core or Molecular Interactions & Imaging Core. Investigators are limited to a single application as PI.
Additional Post-Award Requirements:
- All awards will require participants to attend weekly bioMT and Faculty Research Club (FRC) seminars and to present their research annually.
- Applicants will provide written interim progress reports in advance of EAC meetings and a final progress report within 60 days of the conclusion of the pilot project grant.
- Applicants must cite/acknowledge COBRE award in all related publications/presentations.
Submissions: Submit as a single PDF [named “lastname_bioMTPilot”] by email to Shaniqua Jones.
Deadline: June 30, 2023 by 5pm