According to the local news Chutian dushi bao 楚天都市报 (A03, 27 May 2022), among 700 bamboo slips excavated from Tomb 798 at Wangjiazui, Hubei province, the text above is likely the earliest sheet music discovered in China.

Summer 2020 is special. It is special for several reasons. This was the first, as well as the last time, I believe, for us to have Dartmouth ASCS 60.07 “Chinese Painting, Poetry, and Philosophy” course online. Here, we are pleased and proud to share our summer work:
The order of the above paintings is random. They are selected representative parts of our hard work. Of course, none of them is perfect. But who cares? Each of them presents one (or more) particular aspect(s) of writing poetic Chinese literati painting in the context of Chinese yinyang cosmology. This is what we care.
We are approaching the end of the summer 2019 Chinese painting and calligraphy study with Prof. Xing at Dartmouth (ASCL 60.07 & 62.01). We never had enough time to discuss traditional Chinese calligraphy, painting, poetry, philosophy and religions in class.
It is amazing how much we have achieved in three-week training of writing Chinese ink-bamboo painting (ASCL 60.07) and six-week practice of all the major scripts in Chinese calligraphy (ASCL 62.01).
Prof. Xing says that there will be no surprise, as always, for him to see how amazing our final projects will be.
Prof. Xing’s calligraphy exhibition, “Chinese Mathematical Calligraphy: The Oracle-Bone Perspective, Dedicated to Professor Li Xueqin (1933-2019),” opened in Las Vegas in April 2019:
More details can be found on Prof. Xing’s website here.
This is Prof. Xing’s second exhibition of Chinese Mathematical Calligraphy. Click here for more detail of his first Mathematical Calligraphy exhibition.
Master Zhang Fangsong’s 章方松 distinguished calligraphy of Prof. Xing’s mourning poem for Prof. Li Xueqin:
Xing’s original poem in archaic style can be found here.
Today is a birthday anniversary of the late Professor Li Xueqin 李学勤 (March 28, 1933 – February 24, 2019), one of the most important scholars in the field of early China.
He was Dartmouth’s Montgomery Fellow in fall 1998. As a distinguished paleographer, his calligraphy is unique and archaic.
Professor Li Xueqin will be greatly missed and forever remembered.
Today our Beijing FSP participants had a “special game” and each of us received a great special gift–Prof. Deng Baojian 邓宝剑, Chair of the Calligraphy Department at BNU, delivered a wonderful talk on Chinese calligraphy, “Calligraphy Is a Special Game”:
In today’s special game, he kindly did each of us an amazing gift–our Chinese names in his beautiful calligraphy:
“Thank you, Prof. Deng, we love you!”