Selected Director’s Presentations on Chinese Calligraphy and Chinese Manuscript Culture, 2016

  • December 2016
    Yin-yang and Fractal Dimension:
    Chinese Fractal Calligraphy and Fractal Traditional Chinese Landscape Painting (in Chinese)
    阴阳与山水: 中国分形书法与分形山水
    Shantou University, Shantou, China


  • August 2016
    Technical Calligraphy Studies in Chinese Manuscript Culture
    Dartmouth Calligraphy and Manuscript Culture Workshop No. 7
    Denver, Colorado


  • July 2016
    Disproving the Authenticity of the Beida Laozi
    NYU Excavated Chinese Manuscript Workshop 2016 & Dartmouth Calligraphy and Manuscript Culture Workshop No. 6
    New York University, New York


  • May 2016
    Rethinking Clerical Script:
    Chinese Manuscript Culture, Comparative Calligraphy, and Calligraphy Teaching
    Keynote Speech, The 10th International Conference on Chinese Writing and Calligraphy Education
    Atlanta, Georgia


  • May 2016
    Art History in Chinese Manuscript Culture (in Chinese)
    Renmin University of China, Beijing, China


  • March 2016
    A Geographic Chronological Database of the Western Han Chinese Clerical Calligraphy Strokes
    National Technology and Social Science Conference
    Las Vegas, Nevada


  • March 2016
    Cultural Innovations in the Digital Age:
    Comparative Calligraphy and Chinese Manuscript Culture
    (in Chinese)
    The Third Cultural Creativity Forum of Xinchang Heritage Town
    Shanghai, China
  • March 2016
    Comparative Manuscriptology and Comparative Calligraphy (in Chinese)
    Keynote Speech, Society for Chinese Manuscript Culture
    Shanghai, China

New Books on Chinese Manuscript Culture

Published three books on Chinese calligraphy and painting last year, i.e., Hiding the Tip: Gateway to Chinese Calligraphy, Ink Bamboo in Chinese Poetry and Painting, and Dao, Neo-Confucian Principle, and Chan Buddhism in Chinese Calligraphy and Painting (Winner of the second China Fine Arts Award), Professor Wen Xing, Chair Professor and Director of DIC at Dartmouth, just published two new books on Chinese Manuscript Culture this year, An Explorative Study of the Chu Bamboo-Slip Calligraphy: The Calligraphy of the Xinian Curated by Tsinghua University, A Perspective of Chinese Manuscript Culture
and Orchid Pavilion in Chinese Manuscript Culture.

Chinese Manuscript Culture: An Interview with CSST

The study of Chinese Manuscript Culture and The Dartmouth Institute for Calligraphy and Manuscript Culture in China (DIC) were covered by Chinese Social Sciences Today (CSST), the prominent newspaper in social sciences and humanities in China. Proposed by Prof. Wen Xing as both a particular approach and an academic field, Chinese Manuscript Culture has been an effective way of experiential learning of traditional Chinese culture at Dartmouth, according to the CSST interview on page 3, 23 October 2015.

Silk Painting from the SSCP

Established in 1979, Social Sciences in China Press (SSCP) has been the leading publisher in social sciences and humanities in China. It is the publisher who publishes China’s most prominent academic journals, such as the Chinese and the English editions of Social Sciences in China. The silk painting below was a gift from Prof. Wang Limin, the Executive Deputy Editor-in-Chief of SSCP, when he visited Dartmouth’s calligraphy and manuscript culture institute in October.
IMG_5094 ed

Chinese Manuscript Culture as a Methodology

On Monday, 24 August 2015, Prof. Wen Xing was invited to deliver a lecture on Chinese Manuscript Culture in the conference room (12F) of the China Social Sciences Press of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, “The Methodological Significance of Chinese Manuscript Culture.”

As Prof. Xing presented, from a postmethod perspective, what Chinese Manuscript Culture brought us exceeded traditional research subjects, materials and methodologies thus opened up a new field of study in traditional Chinese calligraphy and manuscripts.

Xing argued that the future of the humanities would be largely decided by how we reflected and exceeded the traditional concepts and theories of natural sciences.

Since the latest quantum cosmology almost simply repeated what Buddhists, Daoists and Confucians had proposed for cosmology thousands of years ago, it is inevitable to reconsider the scholarly and religious traditions as well as the latest scientific discoveries and theories from the perspective of the humanities in the East, as Xing argued. This is one perspective from which we see the methodological significance of Chinese Manuscript Culture.