CQB Director, Mike Whitfield, recently announced changes to the leadership of the Data Analytics Core:
It is my great pleasure to announce that Shannon Soucy and Owen Wilson have been appointed as Co-Directors of the CQB Data Analytics Core. James O’Malley will remain a Faculty Advisor and CQB will be welcoming Rob Frost as an additional Faculty Advisor. Everyone in DAC deserves a huge thank you and even bigger congratulations on making the core what it is today, some of which is highlighted below.
- 4-fold increase in usage of DAC services over the last 4 years
- Completion of 77 analysis projects
- Creation of 6 pipelines to standardize common analyses
- Development of sandbox module Bioinformatics for Beginners
- 7 total workshops since 2019 (one more in December)
The appointment of Owen and Shannon as Co-Directors aligns with their substantial administrative effort which have played a major role in the success of the core.
Please take a moment when you see them to congratulate both on this fantastic achievement.
– Mike