Pilot Project Program

The COBRE Center for Quantitative Biology (CQB) is pleased to offer funding for pilot research projects. The goal is to identify and nurture talented junior investigators developing research programs in quantitative biology, genomics, genetics and single cell genomics. The Pilot Program supports CQB’s growth by encouraging additional scholarship in its thematic areas and developing potential new COBRE Project Leaders.

CQB will fund pilot projects for research related to computational biology, bioinformatics, experimental genomics. Our objective is to enable investigators the ability to collect preliminary data in support of grant applications for independent external research funding, especially from the NIH. Pilot project leaders can take advantage of the COBRE community to help guide their science and career development.

Pilot project leaders will have access to the CQB’s three interdisciplinary cores. These cores will provide infrastructure, consultation, and additional support services to ensure the successful career development of the funded junior investigator and help them apply for external, independent funding. The three cores include a Research Administrative Core (RAC), a Data Analytics Core (DAC), and a Single Cell Genomics Core (SCG).

Program Requirements

  1. Research must be thematically related to the Center for Quantitative Biology.
  2. The proposed pilot project can request funding for up to 1 year and up to $50,000.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Applicant must be a junior investigator (defined as not previously been awarded a K99/R00, R01 or equivalent grant that names the applicant as the PD/PI).
  2. Applicant can be an established investigator if making a significant change to his/her career (maintaining support of an active RPG or PPG, in a different area of research, will make applicant ineligible).
  3. Applicant must hold a faculty appointment at the time the award is made.
  4. Research Scientists, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students are not eligible.
  5. Applicant cannot concurrently have support from a COBRE, INBRE or any IDeA Program
  6. Investigators are limited to a single application as PI.


Submit a Letter of Intent

Once your LOI is received, we will let you know within 5 business days whether or not a full application is requested.

Applications are reviewed by an internal and external committee every three months (March, June, Sept, Dec).  Those selected for funding are sent to NIGMS for review and approval.

For more information email CQB@dartmouth.edu