The Center for Quantitative Biology

By Tim Dean, Dartmouth Medicine, Spring ’20

Single-cell genomics is a rapidly evolving field; having a dedicated center with resources behind it gives us the ability to bring on new technologies, test them, and figure out which ones are best for our needs.

Read the full article here

Write Winning Grant Proposals: NIH and NSF Seminars

John Robertson, Ph.D., is returning to campus to present two
seminars on writing winning proposals. The NIH seminar will be December 12th
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM and the NSF seminar will be December 13th 8:30 AM to 12:00
PM. Both seminars will be in the Dartmouth Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center.
These free opportunities are sponsored by GrantGPS. For more information and to register, click here.