Genomic Data Science Core Services

Prices are valid from July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025

Hourly data analysis:

Internal hourly rate: $152
External hourly rate: $212

Includes any work that is not included in the categories below, such as integrative genomics analysis, analysis of publicly available data, single-cell experiments, custom projects, or project consultation. Unique datasets may require some analysis that falls under the hourly rate to occur before analysis using a standardized pipeline. Please contact us for an estimate if your experiment is not included in any of these categories.

RNA-seq or ATAC-seq data reduction (pre-processing)

Internal rate: $456
External rate: $637

Pre-processing of a standard RNA-seq/ATAC-seq datasets for species with an existing well annotated reference genome(e.g. human, mouse). Includes read alignment, quantification, peak calling, peak reproducibility analysis, and a detailed quality control report (up to 30 samples).

RNA-seq exploratory analysis

Internal rate: $910
External rate: $1275

Exploratory analysis of a standard pre-processed RNA-seq dataset using the most variably expressed genes to explore the features of your data that drive clustering is a necessary step to get a good understanding of expression data. Includes PCA, euclidean distance clustering, and hierarchical clustering patterns of most variable genes (up to 30 samples).

RNA-seq differential expression

Internal rate: $1800
External rate: $3168

Differential expression analysis for a standard two-factor experiment (control vs treatment). Output includes tables of differential expression results, in addition to numerous publication-quality figures. Additional models (control vs treatment2, treatment vs treatment2, etc.) can be added for an additional cost ($303/model internal; $425/model external). Further analyses, such as pathway analysis (GSEA/ORA),  weighted gene co-expression analysis (WGCNA), or integration with other genomic data types, will be charged at the hourly rate (see below) (up to 30 samples).

RNA-seq pathway analysis

Internal rate: $456
External rate: $637

Differential expression results are used to look for enrichment or overrepresentation of gene sets relating to biological processes, cellular component, or molecular function. Output includes tables of gene sets and their enrichment scores, in addition to several publication-quality figures. Further analyses such as weighted gene co-expression analysis (WGCNA), or integration with other genomic data types, will be charged at the hourly rate (see below) (up to 30 samples).

Cut and Run analysis 

Internal rate: $4552
External rate: $6373

Analysis of CUT&RUN data for species with an existing well annotated reference genome. Data pre-processing includes read trimming, alignment, peak calling, peak reproducibility analysis, and an extensive quality control assessment. Downstream analyses include peak annotation, differential binding, and motif enrichment. Further analyses, such as pathway analysis or integration with other genomic data types, will be charged at the hourly rate (see below) (up to 30 samples).

Variant Calling (SNPs & Indels only)

Internal rate: $1214
External rate: $1699

Includes read pre-processing, quality control, alignment, variant calling, detailed filtering of called variants (including quality filters, and filtering against a matched-normal or population reference for somatic datasets), and basic annotation. Includes WES, WGS, or gene-specific panels. Note: does not include detailed review of specific variants, which is suggested for variants of interest (up to 30 samples).

DNA Methylation analysis (arrays)

Internal rate: $910
External rate: $1275

Includes pre-processing of array files (IDATs), quality control (including QC report), normalization, background correction, and basic exploratory data analyses (e.g. hierarchical clustering) (up to 30 samples). Downstream analyses will be charged at the hourly rate.

Genome assembly and annotation

Internal rate: $1214
External rate: $1619

Includes pre-processing of fastq files, quality control assessment, and assembly of genomes and genome assembly (Up to 10 samples). Genome annotation will provide annotation of coding sequences for assembled contigs (up to 10 samples). Additional downstream analyses will be charged at the hourly rate.

Metagenome  analysis

Internal rate: $3034
External rate: $6373

Assembly based or assembly free metagenome and metatranscriptome analysis. Includes pre-processing of fastq files, quality control assessment, taxonomic, and functional annotation (up to 30 samples). Exploratory analysis to determine the major features driving taxonomic abundance includes PCA, euclidean distance clustering, and hierarchical clustering patterns of species abundance across all samples. Differential taxonomic abundance between two factors (WT vs KO) is included, additional models (WT vs KI, KO vs KI, etc.) can be added for an additional cost ($303/model internal; $425/model external). Further analyses, such as pathway analysis (GSEA/ORA),  weighted gene co-expression analysis (WGCNA), or integration with other genomic data types, will be charged at the hourly rate (see below) (up to 30 samples).