Carpets Attack!

carpets beside explosion

Quick Barbara, get out the old rug-beater! There’s no time to explain!

Ladies and gentlemen,

Get your families to the local theater to see the latest installment of fear and terror. Take a seat in the red cushioned chairs, but don’t let your feet touch the ground, because this week, CARPETS ATTACK!

In Quentin Quilter’s most terrifying film yet, Walter Wool-Blend and Barbara Berber star as a newlywed couple in a new house filled with lots of love and lots of new carpets. Walter finds an old book on the shelf. He opens it to a random page and reads aloud a strange mystical chant. Little does he know that this causes every carpet in the world to come alive and seek revenge for years of compression! Centuries of rug-beating! Eons of being stepped on!

This movie will floor you!

You won’t believe your own textiles!

It’s dust-raising action!

It’s wall-to-wall terror!

BEAR-SKIN RUGS coming to life and eating people! RED CARPETS wrapping around and choking celebrities! DOORMATS flapping around angrily in the breeze! MAGIC CARPETS falling out of the sky! And SHAG CARPETS doing… doing unspeakable things to their owners.

This time… The danger is in your own home… Right under your very feet…

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